It’s Woman to Woman Wednesday!
Pull up a chair and rest a minute. Grab your coffee or water if you have one. We’ve got some catching up to do!
I have to tell you, early this week I found myself comparing my situation with everyone else’s I saw on Facebook. It’s our spring break week. I’m home, and everyone else in the world is somewhere warm, relaxing on a beach. (Now, I know that’s not true, but Monday I let myself believe that lie.) Thankfully, I caught myself before my thoughts led me to a sad place of despair.
Isn’t it terrible where we let our thoughts take us some days?
We women think such things as…
“She’s a better mom than I.”
“She’s got her life together. I don’t.”
“Her thighs are smaller than mine.”
“She has much more fashion-sense than me.”
“She must be a size 4. I’m a 14.”
“She’s happy. I’m not.”
“I wish my husband would treat me like her’s does.”
“Everyone else is on vacation somewhere warm. I’m not.”
These kinds of thoughts help no one. Friend, will you join me in stopping this madness? Will you take a stand with me against self-defeating, self-sabotaging thoughts that fill our minds with these kinds of lies? Oftentimes the things we tell ourselves are based on assumptions and have no factual foundation (as with my ‘everyone else is on vacation somewhere warm’ belief).
Let’s help each other to stop comparing ourselves, and embrace how God made each of us unique. We each have our own quirks and things that make us tick. You may prefer the mountains, where I prefer the beach. You may like the Cubs. I like the Cardinals. (Smile.)
God also created us physically unique. You may be blonde. I’m a brunette (with a few highlights). We have different facial features. Our eyes might be a different color. Our bodies are similar, yet are shaped different. I’ll be the first to admit that the part of my body that I like the least is the very part I notice first on other women. I truly have to fight–almost daily–against comparing.
Let’s begin today… Embrace who you are! Embrace your uniqueness. Celebrate just how special God created you to be. The next time we are tempted to compare, instead of doing so, consciously embrace the other woman’s uniqueness too. Let me tell you, she has her own untrue thoughts and comparisons she’s dealing with. And maybe, a compliment given will help her stop this madness as well.
We’ll end with 2 Corinthians 10:5 The Message…
We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ.
Amen! Thanks for joining me today. Reply below with what makes you unique. I’d love to celebrate YOU!