The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step

The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step

183. Why Following Your Heart Is Not the Best Choice
"Just follow your heart." We hear it all the time, don't we? But is this good advice? Sure, these three words can inspire us to pursue our dreams and to carry out what we feel called to do. Yet, they can also take us to places that aren't God's best for us. Today we...

182. Embodying Authentic Life and Faith with Tina Herring
You know that friend who you can count on no matter what? She knows everything about you--I mean everything--and still loves you anyway? Well I'm thrilled to have as my first podcast guest of 2025 to be my best friend since my youth, Tina Herring. We call each other...

181. Practical Steps to Identify Your Unique Purpose
Ingrained in each one of us is the desire for purpose. We long for our lives to have meaning and intention. Maybe you've questioned, like I have, why you're on this earth and why God made you in the first place. Or maybe you're wondering these now, today. Allow me to...

180. How to Live Intentionally and Make Every Day Count
Live intentionally. What does that even mean and why does it matter? Living intentionally means to live according to our personal values and beliefs, and to make choices in life that reflect those values and beliefs. This may include making deliberate decisions daily...

179. A Helpful Way to Welcome A New Year
Happy 2025! I pray you enjoyed wonderful Christmas and New Year's celebrations. I trust this finds you embracing the hope and promise as you welcome a new year! In this, our first episode of 2025, we are pausing to reflect on the good of last year, while peeking into...

178. The Gift of Noticing With Kelly Blackwell
We are ending 2024 with our guest episode today, and joining me is long-time friend, Kelly Blackwell. Kelly and I met years ago online, and even though we've never met in person, I consider her friendship one of God's many blessings in my life. Kelly is a wife to...