Hi! I’m Julie,
and I’m a fan of sunrises and sunsets.

Hi! I’m Julie,
and I’m a fan of sunrises and sunsets.
Do you ever feel like your real life isn’t like those you see in your social feeds?
Yeah, me too.
Or do you ever wonder why you can’t ever seem to “get it all together”?
Yeah, me too.
Because if your real life is anything like mine, it isn’t perfect and it isn’t always pretty. It’s a mixture of blessings and blunders, of calm and chaotic, of hope and discouragement, of memory-making moments and moments you’d rather forget.
If this describes your real life too, then I’m right here with you. I understand that some days this real life can be sweet one minute and not-so-sweet in the next. And in it all, some days we could use a little encouragement, right?
This is the space you will find that for your real life.
We’re in this real life together.
And I’m so glad we are.
As we travel through this life we get to choose who we hang with. We get a choice of who we allow into our lives. So, it’s an honor for me, this rural Iowa girl, to be allowed to journey through this life with you. Thank you.
This online space reflects me. Imperfect, yet transparent. Not having all the answers, but pointing to the One Who does. It’s filled with faith, hope, and a whole lot of love.
I pray you feel welcome here. Because you and I don’t have to be perfect or live perfect lives to be friends.
You belong here.
You’ll find real-life encouragement in a variety of ways. Through:
- my weekly podcast, Encouragement for Real Life, that drops new episodes each Tuesday morning.
- blog posts, one or two a week
- in-person quarterly events
- speaking and sharing with groups, churches, and gatherings
- free resources to add a lift to your step
To never miss the encouragement and to instantly access exclusive FREE RESOURCES, click here. (Your email address is safe with me.)
You can also find me on Instagram (julielefebure), on Twitter (@JulieLefebure), on Facebook (Julie Lefebure, and on Pinterest @julielefebure.)
What else you might want to know.
I’m a big fan of sunrises and sunsets, I appreciate unrushed mornings, and I love eating outdoors.
I’m Bill’s wife of 29 years. Ours is a redeemed marriage of many ups and downs. You’ll find us often on our tandem bicycle enjoying adventures together. Our goal is to bike in each of the 50 states! (If our marriage can survive RAGBRAI six times, it can survive about anything!) We are “empty-nesters,” and look forward to growing old together.
I’m also Mom to Alissa, Morgan (our son-in-law, a.k.a. our bonus son), and Zach, and I’m Grandma to baby Nolan. (Paige, Zach’s girlfriend puts up with us!) We always have a ball when we’re together, and we take family selfies in the strangest of places.
So, if you’re not perfect, you’re in good company here. If your real life looks a bit different than those in your social feeds, you fit right in here. Thank you for sharing in this space. I’m glad we get to do this real life together.
God bless you!
Find more about my faith journey here.