Do Not Be Afraid Of That Cloud

by | Sep 8, 2014 | Encouragement

As you begin a new day, and a new week, is there a looming cloud overhead?

I hope not, but it’s quite possible you’re waking up to some heavy stuff. You might have gone to sleep thinking about it, and it was the first thing on your mind when you woke this morning.

Or maybe you have a stress-filled day or week ahead of you, brimming with deadlines, challenges, and uncertainty.

I understand. Believe me, I do.

My heavy stuff may be different than yours, but we all seem to have something. If not, we must be living in hibernation. (And the weather is too beautiful to be doing that!)

Life isn’t a rose garden. I get that too.

What was that song? I can hear it now…

“I beg your pardon.
I never promised you a rose garden.
Along with the sunshine
there’s gotta be a little rain sometime.
When you take you gotta give

so live and let live
and let go oh oh oh oh.

I beg your pardon.
I never promised you a rose garden.”

(Sang by Lynn Anderson.) Yes, I’m dating myself.

Okay, so we aren’t promised a rose garden. God never said we’d have an easy life. Some days can be filled with more thorns than roses, more clouds than sun. What are we to do? Give up? Crawl in a hole? Wave the white flag of surrender?

No, my friend.

Do not be afraid of that cloud that's settling on your life.

We can walk boldly through that challenge, that difficulty, that cloud, and know, 1) we won’t be walking through it alone, 2) the glory on the other side will be worth it all.

That encourages me today. Doesn’t it you?

There is hope. We have hope! It’s going to be okay. We can do what we can to prepare for the day/the week, and we can trust God with the rest. Friend, we’re in this together.

Do not be afraid of that cloud.

May God bless you as you move forward today. His glory is waiting on the other side!




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