Beautifully Different

by | Sep 9, 2014 | Love God

I poured myself another cup of coffee. It tasted especially wonderful yesterday morning.

As I did, I lifted my eyes to glance out our east windows. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw.

Before me was probably the most incredible sunrise I have ever seen in all my years. Seriously. I didn’t want to take my eyes off of it.

But I knew I had to try to capture this with my camera. This could very well have been a once-in-a-lifetime sunset. I moved quickly to grab my phone, open the window, stick my phone out of it, and snap the photo so as not to miss a moment of the color-filled sky.

If you follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you might have already gazed upon the beauty I saw. I say it’s worth looking at again…

Each sunrise is beautifully different.

Seriously. No filter. No editing. Just pure beauty.

As I stood there, almost frozen in awe, I couldn’t help but thank God for allowing me to see His splendor in the sky. I thanked Him for allowing me to see just a snippet of His glory. (Remember yesterday’s post about His glory being on the other side of the descending cloud in our lives??!!) I thanked Him for “speaking” to me through this scene, and for encouraging this heart of mine.

If you would have been here having coffee with me, we could have gazed on it together. That would have made it extra-special.

If you know anything about me, you probably know I love sunrises and sunsets. They fill me with joy. I’ve seen many of them, and I hope to take in many, many more. What I’ve found is no two have been the same. Ever. Each one is different, unique, special. Amazing hues of yellow, orange, pink, red, even sometimes purple, are splashed across the horizon. God must enjoy painting them each morning and evening.

I say they are just for me (even though I know they aren’t.)

Really, though. Each one of these scenes is beautifully different.

Kind of like you and me. We are beautifully different. Unique. Special.

No two of us are exactly alike. There’s no need to compare, to try to be different, to feel superior or inferior with who we are. What we can do, though, is to proudly display God’s splendor in our own unique ways. We have “hues” of different gifts and talents, different physical features, different personalities, different tastes and preferences. God “painted” each of us with those beautiful “hues.”

We are just as beautifully different as each sunrise and sunset.

I pray we remember this as we go about our day today. I pray God reminds us if we forget.

May we each display His splendor in our own unique ways today!



Linking up with Holly Barrett for #TestimonyTuesday.

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  1. Kathryn Shirey

    What an amazing sunrise! What a gift to wake up to that display and see God’s wonder in action.

    • Julie

      Yes, Kathryn, it sure was! Such a beautiful gift! Thanks for dropping in today!

  2. Joanne Viola

    Julie, so funny to read this today. Last night, my husband came home from work calling me to come out on the deck. All I heard was him yelling, “You have got to see this!” When I stepped out on the deck, it was the sky – boasting beautiful oranges and reds and pinks. It was gorgeous. Then we marveled at how everything in the yard, our house included, was soaked in the various colors. It was a stunning display of our God. And yes, it was just for me 🙂 And your sky, was just for you 🙂 He speaks to each of us individually & how I love that. But yesterday it seems to have been an individual message given corporately as so many wrote or commented about the sky. I love when God works in this manner. Wonderful post!

    • Julie

      Hi Joanne! Thank you! I love your story here! You made my day by sharing it. Yes, our skies were just for each of us! I find it amazing how personal God is and yet how majestic and awesome He is as well. And He displays it all in His creation. Glad you came by today! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Jen @ Growing in Faith

    I’m a sunset/sunrise gal as well, and the Lord has used them many times to encourage me when I’ve been down. It’s amazing how He uses such beauty in a very routine thing, and sometimes, it really does seem to be just for us. 🙂

    • Julie

      We have another thing in common, Jen! I love that, and yes, it’s amazing how he uses such beauty to encourage us! Thanks for stopping in today. Always good to have you here!

  4. Sheila at Longings End

    Once in a lifetime…each sunrise and sunset. Just like each of us. A once in a lifetime living thought of our God. Beautiful photo that filled me today. Thanks, Julie…

    • Julie

      Hi Sheila! God blesses us in so many ways, doesn’t He??!! Thank you for be here sharing! Blessings!

  5. Mary Geisen

    I love sunrises and sunsets also and have found the ones recently are just breathtaking-more beautiful than ever. I love the pause you created in your day to capture this moment which would have been gone in a matter of minutes. I find myself wanting to take pictures of this beauty when I’m driving which isn’t really advisable. 🙂 Thank you for the reminder today that we are beautifully unique! It brings to mind one of my life verses- Psalm 139:13-14. Thanks for sharing God’s beauty today!

    • Julie

      Yes, Mary! I’ve seen some sunrises on your blog recently! Glad you’re not snapping pics as you’re driving! 🙂 Love that verse too. Thank you for pointing us to that today! Blessings!



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