Why I Do What I Do

Driving home from Mission of Hope late this afternoon, I began to think about my life.  My life is full…and I can either look at it as a blessing or as something negative.I’m choosing to look at my life as a blessing.I ran through my schedule in my mind,...

Thankful Today

This morning I am thankful for so many things.  In the last couple of days, I have been made aware that a few of my dearest friends and acquaintances are going through some really tough times…times that their faith in the Lord will be the thing that they cling...

Happy NEW Year!

“Forget about what’s happened! Don’t keep going over old history. Be alert! Be present! I’m about to do something brand new. It’s bursting out. Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road in the desert and rivers in the badlands.” Isaiah 43:18-19 The Message...

Reflecting on 2010

2010…Where has it gone?I cannot believe today is the last day of this year!  I’ve heard people say time flies faster as you get older…I’m starting to believe that is true! :)Today’s reading from Charles Swindoll’s Insight for Today,...

Giving Thanks – Day 27

Today I was very thankful for the sunset we saw as we were almost home driving back from our Thanksgiving trip to Wisconsin Dells.  It was breath-taking!  The more I watched it, the more colors seemed to emerge.  I grabbed my camera and took a couple of pictures...

"Gosh, I Look Like Mom!"

I stopped by Walgreen’s this morning before going to Bible Study Fellowship.  I visited their restroom to wash my hands, and as I glanced in the mirror, and in my reflection…I saw my mom!  I literally did a double-take!  I said, almost outloud,...

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