Why I Do What I Do

by | Jan 21, 2011 | God's blessings, me, schedule

Driving home from Mission of Hope late this afternoon, I began to think about my life. 

My life is full…and I can either look at it as a blessing or as something negative.

I’m choosing to look at my life as a blessing.

I ran through my schedule in my mind, and why I do what I do…

Monday through Friday, Zach and I leave for school at 7:15am.  It’s a 20 minute drive, one way. 
I do that because I feel strongly about having that time with him each day.

Monday from 9-11am I have my Bible Study Fellowship Leader’s Meeting.
I attend because I am a BSF Group Leader, and I am able to be trained by, equipped by, and learn from God’s Word for those two hours.  Plus, I get to spend two hours with some of the most amazing Christian women I know. 

Two Monday evenings a month I have my Mary Kay trainings and events. 
I do that for me and my business and for the consultants in our unit and their businesses.

Tuesday through Friday I am at Mission of Hope, 8:30-4:30 except for Wednesday mornings (which I will explain in a moment). 
I do that because God has called me to. I’ve learned not to argue with God. 🙂 It’s the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever had the privilege to do.

Wednesday mornings from 9-11:15 I’m in BSF. 
It’s vital for me as a mom, wife, leader, friend to stay in God’s Word…There’s NOTHING more important I can do for me or for the people in my life!  I have learned, if I don’t stay connected to God in this way, I might as well throw in the towel!  Other things of this world continue to try to entice me away and have me quit, but I know that would be a HUGE mistake.

Thursday and Friday mornings I have 8am Mission of Hope meetings.
I attend them because it helps us function better as a team. 

Two-three days a week I pick Zach up from school in the afternoons and bring him back to the Mission with me.
I do that because I enjoy it, and because there’s no other option at this point.

In the evenings I attend Ali and Zach’s events, practices, etc., depending on the week.
I do that because that’s what Moms do, and these things give me great joy (plus I most often get to do them with Bill).

I also work my MK business, and about 5-10 hours a week for the Mission at home, depending on the week.
I do those things because of responsibility.

I try to take Saturdays off to spend with my family and do the things I need to do for me.

Sundays are church in the morning and/or volleyball tournaments for Ali right now.
We attend church as a family as much as possible, and it’s important to me to attend Ali’s volleyball tournaments, as this is her last year of club volleyball.

Whew!  That’s full!  Adding in my responsibilities at home and driving to and from these things…I don’t have much down time.  I guess that’s why I appreciate Saturdays so much.  I feel God has called me to each, and has equipped me to do so.  I have a great husband and wonderful children who are my support system.  I couldn’t do what I do without them.

My life is a blessing!  That’s why I do what I do. 🙂

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