3 Powerful Truths To Help Us Live In The Moment

by | Jul 31, 2021 | Encouragement, Real Life

Do you ever find it difficult to stay present? To live in the moment you’re in? To keep your focus on where you are right now? Friend, if you ever struggle with this, you are not alone. I think you’re in great company. Take a look around and you’ll find many things distracting us and keeping us from living in the moment. Outward distractions are everywhere!

No only that, I can be physically present, but my mind can be elsewhere. I can be in the middle of a conversation, or completing a task, or driving (that’s the worst!), and my mind can shift to fast-forward or to rewind. I can be thinking of my to-do list, mentally crossing things off or planning my next step. My inward distractions can be just as misleading. I find it quite comical at times all the things I think about while doing something else. It’s crazy!

You, too?

I’m tired of living so distracted.

Maybe you are, too. The days, the weeks, the months fly by me. And honestly, I think some of the passing of time has to do with how present we are in each moment. Are we pausing throughout our days, noticing what’s around us, and thanking God for it all? Are we soaking in every moment of each day? Or are we living for the weekend, wishing it was Friday, wanting to get to the next step, the next big thing, the next season of our lives?

Did God design us to live this way? I don’t believe He did. There’s much in His Word about taking every thought captive, and not conforming to this world, and being still. I also believe He has designed each day for us to embrace, to enjoy, to make the most of, and to make a difference in. If each day He gives us is a gift, how are we embracing this gift?

It’s a good day to pause and ponder how we are living, how we are embracing each day, and what we are doing with the time God gives us on this earth. (Whew! These are some big things to think about!) How can we better live in the moment? The three truths below, I believe, are the keys.

3 Powerful Truths to Help Us Live in the Moment

3 Powerful Truths to Help Us Live in the Moment

1 – God gives us today.

Never brag about the plans you have for tomorrow, for you don’t have a clue what tomorrow may bring to you.

Proverbs 27:1 TPT

We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. And actually, we aren’t guaranteed another second. All we have is right now. Let’s think about this moment, right where we are. Taking a look around, what do we see? What do we smell? What are we feeling and experiencing? Immerse ourselves in it all. Then, let’s thank God for this moment. If we do this a few times throughout the day, our day will be noticeably different! Try it for one day. Then the next, then the next. I think you’ll be hooked at this helpful way to appreciate each day.

2 – God provides for today.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Matthew 6:11 NRSV

God provides today what we need today. He will also provide tomorrow what we need tomorrow. Sometimes I forget that. Some days I can get hung up on planning or strategizing for the future, that I miss the moment I’m in. Sure, planning can be important. But if God provides today what I need today, wouldn’t it be wise for me to live in the same manner? To focus on these 24 hours instead of fixating on the future? Jesus modeled this kind of living so well for us. I’m still learning!

3 – God blesses us today.

… You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment.

Psalm 16:11 VOICE

Do you and I know true joy and contentment? Do we experience the pleasure of walking with God? Or are we missing these? Maybe we are walking with God, but the distractions are keeping us from joy and contentment. As this verse states, God leads us to a beautiful life as we journey with Him. Let’s take a personal inventory. God wants to bless us with these gifts, but are we allowing Him to do so? Are we allowing Him to lead us to the beautiful life He has for us? How are we experiencing Him in our daily lives? Or are we? What distractions are keeping us from enjoying all God has for us today?

It’s time to take back our days and live in the moment.

In my next post we’ll discuss the distractions of our lives as we remain encouraged to stay present.

In the meantime, how are you encouraged to live in the moments of this day? How is God helping you to embrace the gift of today? What’s working for you in staying present in your life? I can’t wait read your thoughts and encourage you in them.

God bless you today, friend. Let’s live in the moment, one day at a time!

Much love,

Photo: Free-Photos on Pixabay

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