Hi Friend! We’re tossing confetti over here because this is the launch episode–the introduction–for the Encouragement for Real Life podcast!!
Yes! I’ve started a podcast! But, this isn’t any ordinary podcast, no. This podcast is focused on equipping us with encouragement for our real lives right now.
Because some days we could use a little extra encouragement, right?
We both know real life is a mixture of blessings and blunders, celebrations and sadness, excitement and apathy. It’s a combination of memory-making moments and moments we’d rather forget. And it’s a blend of triumphs and failures, happiness and heartaches, and hope and discouragement.
Real life isn’t always pretty and it’s not always tied up with a shiny red bow.
It’s not pretend or fake, and it’s not a dress rehearsal. You and I don’t get a second chance to live these days over.

This is why the Encouragement for Real Life podcast exists.
To encourage us for real life right now.
I pray you find the encouragement you didn’t know you needed, the hope you long for, the chuckle to lighten your spirit, and the joy that brings a lift to your step each week as you listen in. The episodes are short enough to fit into your full, real life.
You’ll find personal life-impacting stories, helpful life tips and tricks, timely inspiration, Biblical insight, and a fresh perspective, combined with a light-hearted tone to encourage your heart and put a lift in your step.
Until next time, stay encouraged, friend.

Please leave a review and/or rating wherever you listen to You can find more about me, the host and founder, here.

So exciting! Can’t wait to listen!
Thank you, Kim! I appreciate you!
Congratulations on your new podcast! So exciting!
Thank you, Cara. I appreciate your presence here! God bless you!