Weeds in Flower Beds

by | Apr 25, 2012 | just for fun, spring

Last evening was a productive evening!

Bill and Zach put together the first of three goals for the soccer field Bill has been working on for Zach. I never knew PVC pipe could be used for a goal! They are making two smaller sized goals out of PVC pipe for each of the ends, and a regulation sized goal out of metal pipes to sit on one of the sides of the field. I was pretty impressed watching them!

I spent three hours last evening in our flower beds…pulling weeds. I am amazed just how many weeds are in those beds! I regrettably let one of the flower beds go last year, and really never worked in it at all. That was a BIG mistake! But not this year…these flower beds are going to look the best they ever have…I plan to honor Mom with them, as most of the flowers in those beds are hers. I wish she was here to make her proud. šŸ™‚

As I pulled and tugged and gently worked around the flowers last evening, I was reminded of how Mom used to come out and help me weed the beds. She loved it. I hated it. She would spend hours doing it. I would work as fast as I could to try to get done as quickly as I could. I just didn’t find the joy she found in pulling weeds. But you know, now I would give anything to spend hours with her out there. And last evening was the first time I actually didn’t mind being on my hands and knees working through the beds. (I hesitate to say I almost enjoyed it!)

I did get a lot accomplished, but I still have a lot more to do. By the time I called it a night, my back ached, my legs were feeling it, and my hands and arms were tired. I marveled at what was in my garbage can…three hours of work and a whole lot of weeds…

I hope to work a little more out there tomorrow night! šŸ™‚ I’ll post beautiful pictures of these beds, hopefully soon!

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