10. Waiting Times Don’t Need To Be Wasted Times

by | Oct 12, 2021 | Podcast

How do you handle waiting? Or more specifically, the waiting times of life? Waiting is something we each are familiar with, right? Waiting in line. Or waiting in traffic. Waiting for test results. Waiting for a child to be born. Or waiting for cooler weather. Do you, like me, ever feel like you’re just wasting time in the waiting times? Well, we are discussing this very subject in this week’s podcast episode. Take a listen with the player above and let’s learn together.

Waiting Times Don't Need to Be Wasted Times

Let me start off by stating some truth.

I’m not the example to follow in times of waiting.

In fact, most of the time stink at it. I’m terrible at waiting. Like waiting at a stop light when I want to get somewhere. Or waiting for a table at a restaurant. Or even waiting for someone or something that’s late. That may be my worst waiting challenge. How about you? How do you do in times of waiting? Are you a more patient person or are you more wired like me?

One big reason I don’t like waiting is because I feel like I’m wasting time. And I’m not one who likes to waste the precious time I’m given… or anything else for that matter.

But God changed my thinking on waiting times last year.

Through the lockdown last year as I was holed up here at home, God taught me waiting times can be blessed times. As I couldn’t wait for all of it to be over, He opened my eyes to the truth that waiting is a gift. Even though it was uncomfortable and challenging at first, God used it to renew me, refocus me, and refine me. He helped me understand times of waiting don’t have to be terrible or unpleasant or a waste of time as I used to perceive it.

No, times of waiting can be good. Waiting times can be sweet times.

Maybe you can relate. While we were locked down and in waiting, what did you do? Did you spend extended time with your family while you were all at home? Did you try new recipes? Or did you learn a new skill, read some good books, find new ways of doing things? Did you bless your neighbors or serve someone in need? Did you learn how to use Zoom or Facetime to stay connected with loved ones? I think we all learned something new about ourselves, about humanity, or about God.

Waiting times don’t need to be wasted times.

I share in the episode a definition of waiting that surprised me a little and gave me a fresh perspective. I think it might give you a fresh perspective, too. And, we peer into at a verse Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians that offers us an example to follow in waiting times (and in other times, too!). This verse is gives us a guide in how to persevere patiently and productively in times of waiting, by focusing on the keywords of Live, Obey, Love, and Believe.

What’s one way you and I can use your times of waiting for good?

Come on over to the Encouragement for Real Life Community Facebook group where we are discussing this all week long. I invite you over to join in the conversation. You’ll receive some extra encouragement and hope in your season of waiting.

Also, if you’ve found encouragement in this episode, I invite you to add a review and rate it so others can find this encouragement too. Please share it with someone you know who is finding herself in a season of waiting.

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Thank you for allowing me to journey with you for a short time today. I consider it a gift. You make a beautiful difference in this world. God bless you.

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Waiting Times Don't Need to Be Wasted Times
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