How do you begin your day? Do you have a certain routine in the morning? Do you begin your day encouraged and hopeful? Or are your mornings a struggle? Maybe we don’t even think about our mornings. We just do what we’ve always done. One thing I’ve learned regarding my mornings is this: how I begin my day sets the tone for the rest of the day. This is the subject of today’s episode. As we listen, we’ll find some encouragement through truth and some hope along the way.

Mornings are my favorite time of day.
And it’s okay if mornings aren’t your favorite. Maybe your favorite time of day is afternoons or evenings or bedtime. Don’t you love how God made us all different with different preferences? I love that! So, it’s okay if you don’t particularly love mornings. You won’t find any judgement from me on that.
But for me, each morning I appreciate the promise of a new day, and the hope that accompanies it. I also appreciate sunrises. If you follow me on social media you probably already know my fascination for sunrises and sunsets. I take photos of our Iowa versions of them often and share them in my feeds.
So, when I get to watch the sun rise over the horizon through my kitchen window, I get caught up in the moment. It’s one of those moments in my day where I feel God’s presence so very near me. Just me and God. It’s the time of day I pause and thank God for giving me a new day, for allowing me a glimpse of His glory as He raises the sun, and for the vibrant colors that sometimes accompanies it when clouds are present. Watching the sun rise truly sets the tone for my day.
What sets the tone for your day?
I invite you to think about it for a minute in this episode. Because how we begin each day matters. How we consider the gift of each day matters. Because what we do with each day matters.
But, sometimes we can’t control what’s happening around us or to us. Some days we wake up tired and cranky and in a mood not even coffee can cure. Some days we wish for a week of weekends because, goodness, we could use a break. And some days we’d rather just stay in bed, hidden under the covers where it’s safe and quiet.
I get it.
So, how can we begin each day encouraged and hopeful?
Inside the episode I share 6 ways. Six ways I’ve learned from trial and error. (Most have been from error.) But, these ways work for me. Maybe one or two will work for you, as well.
To encourage you further, I’ve created a printable of these ideas on my free Resource page, here on my site. Feel free to print it out and use it as you wish. Place it where you’ll see it each morning. I pray it helps you begin your day encouraged and hopeful.
Come on over to our Encouragement for Real Life Community on Facebook. It’s filled with others just like you who desire to live encouraged and inspired. We like to call this the most encouraging place on the internet. The link to this Facebook group is in the show notes.
And if you’ve found encouragement and hope through this episode, please consider giving it a review or rating so others can find it too. Encouragement matters, doesn’t it??
Links in this episode:
- Psalm 143:8 GNT
- Study on benefits of drinking water in the morning
- Benefits of morning exercise
- My free Resource page for the 6 Ways to Begin Each Day Encouraged and Hopeful printable
- Encouragement for Real Life Community Facebook group
Thank you for joining me today. I appreciate you and pray you live life encouraged and hopeful. God bless you, friend.
