One-Fourth is Behind Us

by | Mar 31, 2014 | Encouragement, personal journey

this is the day

Does life move by as quickly for you as it does for me?

–When we close out today, one-fourth of 2014 will be behind us.–


Why does it seem like 2014 just began?

I wrote a post on the the eve of 2014, as “a blank 365-page book” was ahead of each of us. What kind of story were we going to write on those pages? What have we written on them the first three months of this year?

My pages so far are filled with so much.

Beautiful memories created with family and friends.
Revealed truth.
Grown faith.
God’s evidence in my life.
God’s provision.
Much fun.

Yet, there are also sections of worry, fear, sadness, uncertainty, hurt, and frustration. I wish those sections weren’t there, but they are. I can’t erase them. I can just learn from them and move on. And that’s what I choose to do.

What about you, my friend? What are your pages filled with? What kind of “book” are you writing?

This is a good time to take a look.

This really isn’t about a book, though, is it? This is our very life. We are writing the pages of our lives. We’ll never get another chance to write yesterday’s page or today’s. We can learn from them, and move on. And we can make each day’s page from here on out a beautiful work of art!

I hope I’ll get the chance to read your “book!”

God’s blessings to you the next three-fourths of this year!

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