We Were Meant To Soar

by | Nov 6, 2014 | Encouragement

I’ll blame it on my brother.

I was always good at that when we were kids. After all, he’s my “little brother.” Even though he stands inches above me now.

It’s because of him I’m taking a hard look at my life.

If you read yesterday’s post, you know what I’m referring to.

He handed me a book Monday night, and said, “It’s always good to get the creative juices flowing.”

creative juice:  n. the expressive side of one’s imagination, and precursor to creative thought.

And he was right. Reading this book has brought my creativity to the surface. Reading this book caused me to recall that morning at our breakfast table when I realized I wasn’t 29 anymore.

It’s one man’s story and his perspective on life. Reading it, I was reminded we all have a story and a unique perspective. We could all write a book on our life experiences alone. We each walk a different path. We march to a different drum, so to speak. We don’t all have to agree, and we probably won’t in this life. And that’s a good thing.

It’s been refreshing for me to pause, think, ask questions, reflect, and look forward.

And to realize again…

We weren’t meant to settle. We were meant to soar.

We were meant to soarNow, the old me would have taken this and run with it. I would have taken a “self-help” route, and made what I thought should happen to happen. I can’t count how many times I did that in the past. I wonder how many blessings I missed because I did what I wanted to do, and I did it my way

Today’s me isn’t jumping the gun. I’m taking it to God in prayer. Asking Him what I’m to do with all of these creative thoughts. I understand He has a personal and perfect plan for my life. He’s guided me this far, and I know He’s not going to leave me now. My desire is to be in the center of His will, so I want to make sure I listen, obey, and follow.

As He so clearly told me to “get out” of where I was a year ago, I’m asking Him to clearly speak to me once again. I trust Him to answer.

Have you asked similar tough questions about you and your life lately? The ones I’ve been asking and seeking answers to are here if you’re desiring to look at them.

Have you begun to settle instead of soar?

What do you do when your “creative juices” start to flow?

Could God be possibly giving you a wake up call, as I feel He is me?

Our time on this earth is shortOur time on this earth is short, my friend. Let’s ask the tough questions, and live a life of impact. Today.

I’ll share more on this in posts to come.

In the meantime, I’m thankful my brother took the time to notice I could use some creativity in my life again. He’s always been good at knowing just what I need, when I need it. Thanks, Pat!

Blessings to you today!



Linking up this post with Counting My Blessings. There’s such encouragement over there!

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  1. Kim

    This brought to mind the new Casting Crowns song Thrive. “We were made for so much more than ordinary lives. Its time for us to more than just survive. We were made to thrive!” And “Joy unspeakable, faith unsinkable, love unstoppable, anything is possible!” I love this song. Survival mode was my norm for so many years. I am learning to spread my wings and fly!!!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kim, I love that song! I’m so glad you brought that to my mind this morning. That might just be my theme song for the remainder of the year. I’m thrilled to read you are spreading your wings and flying! That seriously warms my heart! Praying you are soaring today, my friend. God bless you!

  2. Deb Wolf

    I love this Julie! I can’t wait to see where the Lord leads you. In the past ten years the Lord has taken me in a whole new direction. All of the things I believed were gifts and talents He wanted me to use were set aside, and I began using my weakness for His glory. I’ve never been happier. Thanks for sharing this at CMB. Blessings and hugs!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Deb, thank you for sharing this. You’ve encouraged my heart so! I love to read about the paths of others, and how God has turned “weaknesses” into “strengths” for His purposes and plans. I’d love to hear your full story sometime. God bless you, and for hosting the Blessing Counter link each week! Much love to you today.


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