Here we are (can you believe it?) at episode 150!! I can’t comprehend that for 150 weeks the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast has been here sharing hope and encouragement for our real lives. I guess, as they say, time flies when you’re having fun, right?! This podcast exists because of you and your interest in living an encouraged life and because of God’s influence and hand of blessing on it. Thank you and thank God. And I’m excited about this particular episode as we pause and ponder the question, “What do your soul and self need this summer?”

What do your soul and self need this summer?
Do you know? Have you asked?
Somedays we run on autopilot. We have routines that we slip into and stick to pretty well. Yet sometimes we get so stuck in them that we’ve put ourselves in a box without even realizing it. Are you in one of these boxes in this season of life? I found myself in one until I asked myself the question which is the title of this episode. What do my soul and self need this summer?
I share the full story in this episode, but the highlights are an episode of another podcast pointed me to where God was leading me in this season. I discuss last summer and how different it is from this summer’s schedule. Releasing my expectation for this season has been a process, but I now know what my self and soul needs this summer.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 14-minute episode.
What about you?
Is God stirring you, guiding you, leading you in a specific way? I encourage you to take some time today and ask Him what you need. Because sometimes we don’t know what we need. Or at least I don’t. But when we invite God in and ask Him, He will make it very clear. After all, He knows us better than we know ourselves. He created us and our souls.
I am praying for you in this season, friend. God has good plans for your life, and sometimes it just takes us pausing and asking what they are. Sometimes the boxes we’ve unintentionally put ourselves in no longer suits us, and it’s time to break out of them. Thanks for being here for this 150th episode. I appreciate you and am grateful for you! God bless you!
Links in this episode:
What You Need This Summer | Wild at Heart Podcast
Philippians 4:4-7 Voice
Halting the Hurried Life women’s event, Real Encouragement LIVE!
Right Now Matters and Right Now Matters Bible Study
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