The Blog

to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step

The Blog

to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step

166. What I’m Doing to Better My Health

166. What I’m Doing to Better My Health

You don't have to look too far to see how the subject of health is popping up everywhere. In the news, in conversations, on social media, and even in presidential campaigns this year. And let me tell you, I'm here for it. We get one life to live on this earth, and God...

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165. Who Do You Go to First?

165. Who Do You Go to First?

When something, either good or not-so-good, pops up in your life, who do you go to first with it? If it's something wonderful and worthy of celebration, who do you celebrate with first? And if it's something that's not so great--something difficult that arises in your...

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