It’s been a flurry of activity throughout the last month.
Not necessarily on my blog, but most certainly in my life.
Sometimes life takes over, and sometimes that’s okay.
My friend, Betsy, wrote a powerful sentence not that long ago that has imprinted itself in this head of mine.
“Living life is more important than writing about it.”
This simple sentence has encouraged me to live out this incredible, blessed-by-God life, and to refuse the guilt of not having the time to write about it.
But, goodness, it feels great to be back with ya’ll!
I’ll share more in future posts, but for today, my desire is to return with encouragement based on Betsy’s words.
I love to write. I enjoy sharing my life and what I see God doing in and through it by means of my written words. If you’ve visited here for any length of time, you most likely already know that about me.
But, one thing you may not realize is I can let guilt have its way in my life. So much so, it can be like a massive weight that pulls me into the depths of discouragement.
Guilt of doing too much.
Guilt of doing too little.
Guilt of the past.
Guilt of thinking too far in the future.
Guilt of saying the wrong words, or the right words at the wrong time.
Guilt of not being organized enough.
Guilt about being too organized.
You name it, I’ve probably experienced guilt about it.
It’s actually quite ridiculous, and only recently did I become aware of how big of a role it has played in my day to day life.
In this recent flurry of activity, I began to experience–you guessed it–incredible guilt in not being able to keep up with my writing and blogging. Living under that personal condemnation made life nothing but miserable, and I realized if I didn’t get a grip quickly, what should be one of the most exciting times, would only be filled with misery.
I remembered Betsy’s words.
I decided to let go of the guilt, and I gave myself permission to live life without it.
Oh, the freedom. The weight of condemnation lifted. Discouragement disappeared, misery was removed, and I was able to embrace and thoroughly enjoy each priceless, once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Yes, I still missed writing, but I knew at some point life would return to its normal rhythm (maybe), and times of writing would again open up in my schedule.
Friend, does this kind of condemning guilt plague you today? It may not have to do with writing, but entirely something different. No matter what it is centered on, guilt is not our friend. It does nothing but pull us down and rob us of our joy. We aren’t called to live in guilt, but in freedom, and because of Jesus, you and I can do just that.
Let go of the guilt today, my friend. Don’t allow it to have its way in your life one second longer. Give the circumstances to God, and go about living in the freedom Jesus offers you.
Take it from me, it’s a whole lot more fun to live in joy than in misery.
God bless you, wonderful, guilt-free friend!
You are loved.
It’s a joy to link up with Kelly and friends for #RaRaLinkup and Holly and friends for #TestimonyTuesday. Two encouragement-filled places!
Wonderful post, my sweet friend! There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ! So glad you are back!
Thank you, Ellen! Amen to that truth! It’s good to be back. Hope all is well in your world today!
Needed to hear this today, friend! Praying for God’s wisdom and truth to lead our every steps. Blessings to you!
That’s a great prayer for us all, Sabra! Thank you for blessing me with your words and your presence! Much love to you!
Julie, welcome back friend! I also let guilt fear creep in far too often as well. Thank you for reminding me that it is ok to just live life. You are so right…guilt does take away our joy. It takes away so much. God’s grace is enough, isn’t it..grace to live our lives, grace to not write when we don’t have the time, etc. Love ya friend!
Thank you, Tara, for your welcome back. I appreciate your words of encouragement! May guilt be a thing of our past, and not of our future! Many blessings to you today, wonderful friend!
Julie, it is easy for guilt to creep in as that not-so-friendly companion. It robs so much. Thank you for speaking to my heart to just, let it go. I am praying that I can. Much love to you and you encourage me greatly! Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.
You nailed it, Kelly. Guilt robs so much. May we just let it go. Cheering you on as well, beautiful friend!
Oh friend, guilt is such a highly overrated emotion! God only wants guilt that produces Godly-sorrow and repentance. He never heaps guilt on us to shame us. Joy is definitely the better choice!! 🙂
Amen on all accounts, Holly!! There’s another blog post just in your comments alone. You’re a blessing in my life, sweet friend!