It was one of those days.
By midday, I recognized I was stepping foot onto a path I didn’t belong.
A path of discouragement.
I’m not sure if it was because of the reality of what was happening around me, or how my thoughts were magnifying it all into monster-sized proportions.
Either way, I knew I needed to exit that path immediately.
I began to recount, one by one, every single thing I could be thankful for. The big blessings in my life like my family and my faith, all the way down to the tiny ones of my delicious cup of morning coffee, and warm socks on a cold day.
And I thanked God for each one.
As I considered all the ways and manners in which God has blessed me, I became humbly thankful. My feelings of discouragement dissipated, and hope returned.
Sure, my circumstances were still there. They hadn’t changed. But my perspective did.
All I could see the rest of the day were the blessings.
There’s hope for the discouraged.
Life is hard.
Strained relationships.
Sickness or death of a loved one.
Financial hardships.
Disappointments. Shattered dreams. Broken hearts.
Worries. Stresses. Problems.
It’s quite possible you are feeling beyond discouraged. Maybe you’ve been on this path of discouragement for so long, you don’t know how to exit off of it.
I’m not here to make light of what you are going through. Most certainly not. When we’re walking through tough times, sometimes the last thing we want to be told is “don’t be discouraged.”
I understand.
Instead, I urge you to pause and consider your blessings.
Look around you right now. How has God blessed you? Tangible and intangible blessings? Physical and spiritual blessings? Gifts and talents? Big and small blessings?
Would it help to jot them down in a notebook or journal? Or on a piece of paper you can hang on your bathroom mirror or fridge?Â
Then thank God for each one. Â
As you do, I believe you’ll experience the return of hope. And even though the circumstances might still be there, all you’ll see are the blessings.
Lifting you in prayer today,
Linking up with friends Kelly for #RaRaLinkup, Holly for #Testimony Tuesday and Meredith for #Woman2Woman.
Julie!! Thank you for offering what I needed to read today. It is easy to get discouraged. Life is hard. And when things seem to pile up, well….you know!!
“Sure, my circumstances were still there. They hadn’t changed. But my perspective did.” Sometimes our circumstances don’t change, but can change our view…take our eyes off the threatening waves of doom and fix our eyes on Jesus, Savior, Protector, Provider…Rescuer!
I bless you with GREAT JOY on your amazing adventure journey with Jesus!!
Hey Lisa! Thank you for stopping in and sharing and for your blessing! May God bless you with great joy as well, as you continue to walk with Jesus. May we continue to focus on Him daily. Sending hugs your way!
So good, Julie! Thank you for that beautiful story of perspective shift and the challenge to do it ourselves & thanks for linking up with #RaRaLinkup
Thank you, Katy! What a blessing it is to be a part of the link up. It’s a beautiful, encouraging place!