Having Joy When Life Isn’t Happy

by | May 6, 2014 | Encouragement

I find it a bit comical that even though yesterday’s post was centered on being generous with our smiles, I didn’t really feel like smiling.

Ever have those days?

I find God tends to prompt me to write about a need I have, something I’m learning, or something I’m struggling with.

Yesterday, I guess I needed to be reminded to smile.

It was tough when all I really wanted to do was cry. (And I did some of that too.)

Some days life isn’t happy.

–When trying situations arise that we have absolutely no control over.

–When no matter how hard we try to keep bad things from happening, they just happen.

–When we wake up hoping to find that it was all just a bad nightmare, when really it wasn’t.

–When the news is bad.

–When hope is hidden.

–When the battle is bigger than our best effort.

Sometimes smiling is the last thing we feel like doing. I understand completely. I was there yesterday.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.

As I shared in yesterday’s post, a smile is a by-product of a heart filled with joy. (Proverbs 15:13)

Life can seem to be crumbling around us, but we can still have joy.

We may not be “happy,” but we can still have joy.

Joy is a gift. A gift from a living, active relationship with Jesus. It’s one of the fruits of the Spirit. (Galations 5:22)

I’ve seen an acronym that makes sense to me:

JOY = Putting Jesus first in life + Others second + Yourself third.

joyJoy is a by-product of a vibrant relationship with Jesus. It doesn’t come by putting others or yourself first. It comes from putting Jesus first.

Joy is what can bring a smile to our face, even when we aren’t so happy.

You may be going through some pretty tough stuff today. Your situation may leave you feeling helpless and hopeless. May it comfort you to know you’re not alone.

Jesus is with you. And He’s given you the incredible gift of joy. Allow Him to strengthen you through it.

joy of the LordAllow Him to give you peace through it, and allow Him to help you smile through it.

God bless you today with the joy of Jesus!

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  1. Marcia

    Thank you Julie. Perfect timing.

    • Julie

      Hi Marcia! Thank you for sharing your comment! (Comments encourage me so!) God seems to have us in similar places often. I love you, friend!

  2. Meredith Bernard

    Yep, good timing for me, too. I definitely had one of those days yesterday where a smile was hard to find…and what a difference a day makes. And some Jesus in it. 😉 Thanks for your words that encourage always, Julie! <3

    • Julie

      Meredith, I’m glad those days are few and far between, but we all have them. Tough circumstances can really take their toll. But we have joy in Jesus. What a difference a day makes, like you said! Appreciating you in my life today, Meredith! Hugs!


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