When I came home from work yesterday, I filled Bill in about my day. The first thing he said after hearing my account was, “God is blessing you.” I couldn’t agree more.
I’m finding a common recurrence throughout my life, especially lately. It seems I go through a time of struggling or a time of experiencing situations that may try to discourage me. Sometimes these times get so overwhelming for me. And then, almost at the “last minute,” God breaks through and blesses me.Â
And how do I know it’s God? Because God is the One who knows the desires of my heart. “Coincidences” couldn’t possibly bless me like how I’ve been blessed.
God encourages me down to my soul through these blessings.Â
Yesterday I spoke at a local radio station on behalf of Mission of Hope, and on the needs I see in this community. This speaking engagement was on the heels of one I felt a little discouraged about. But I found great joy in speaking to the group of broadcasters. God led me, and it went very well. That was the first blessing.
The second blessing was when I returned a phone call yesterday afternoon from a lady who called for me at the Mission in the morning. When we talked, she invited me to be a guest speaker at a mother/daughter/friend day at her church in May. She said a mutual acquaintance referred me to her, and said I’d be a good one to speak at their event about friendship and life. Wow, what a compliment. I felt so unworthy and so excited at the same time. And I thanked God for this opportunity. And the amazing thing is…just last week I felt a “nudge” to write a post on my blog about friendship and the gift of the many friends I have in my life. Now I get the blessing of sharing it with a live audience. 🙂
And the third blessing…I opened up an envelope that arrived in our mailbox yesterday that was addressed to me. It was from the local Christian radio station where I won four tickets to an upcoming concert of my all-time favorite Christian music artist, Mark Schultz. Winning them was exciting enough, and I was expecting the general admission tickets, but the envelope seemed much bigger than one that would have just two tickets inside. What a joy it was for me to find three cds inside–the latest cd of each of the artists performing at the concert! AND… instead of general admission seats, we have reserved seats in the 3rd row. AND (it gets better!) we get to arrive early to meet all three artists backstage! To top it all off, the concert is held at our school! How cool is all of that??!!
God has truly blessed me…beyond what I ever imagined–in the big things and the little things. Things that only He knows that will bless and encourage me. These are just examples that no matter what we may be going through, if we just hold on and keep going with our eyes focused on Him, God will break through with encouragement in ways that will be personal to each one of us…and maybe even a blessing or two!Â
I’m humbly grateful, and I’m praying as you read this that God is working behind the scenes to bless and encourage you in your world today!