Are You The Most Positive Person You Know?

by | Jun 18, 2021 | #connect2021, Encouragement

She lights up the room when she walks in. A beautiful smile is stretched across her face more often than not. Her words are encouraging and uplifting, and she inspires those around her to be their best. She thinks the best thoughts, believes the best in others, and lives her best life every day. She is the most positive person I know.

I want to be more like her.

Truly I do! I want to always think the best thoughts (because we know our thoughts control much). To always have a smile on my face. To believe the best in others. And to be a positive influence in the lives of those around me. To encourage, inspire, and make a difference in this world.

Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

H. Jackson Brown

I want to be the most positive person I know.

Are you the most positive person you know?

positive :: emphasizing what is laudable, hopeful, or to the good; constructive; forward-looking; affirmative; effective

I believe we each want to be the most positive person we know.

Right?? Don’t we all want to impact this world and the people around us in a positive way? Don’t we want to have a positive outlook on life, rather than a negative one? I don’t believe any one of us begin our days thinking, “I’m going to be the most negative person today.” No. But some days we find ourselves thinking negatively, behaving negatively, and influencing others around us negatively. Maybe it’s a result of our circumstances, or the influences around us, or an unpleasant situation that takes us by surprise.

Or quite possibly we’re in a negative rut. Maybe we didn’t realize it until today, but negativity has been plaguing us for so long, we don’t know how to begin to dig ourselves out.

Plus, being a positive person is good for your health. Many studies show how our attitudes affect our physical bodies, our brain function, our quality of life, and even may affect how long we live!

So, how do we become the most positive people we know?

5 Tips to help you be the most positive person you know:

Start the day positive and be grateful.

Pray. Exercise. Read a devotional or your Bible. List your blessings and thank God for them. Expect to have a positive and uplifting day.

Check your thoughts.

We become what we think. If our thoughts are positive, we are positive. Checking our thoughts throughout the day and making any necessary corrections will help us remain positive.

Hang with positive people.

We become like the people we spend time with, so it’s wise to hang out with those who are positive and uplifting. If we leave someone’s presence and feel depleted and discouraged, that’s a good sign that person may be affecting us negatively.

Look for the good.

Bad things happen in life. They just do. Instead of focusing on the bad in a situation, when we look the good, we will find it. (Sometimes we have to look a little harder.) And when we find it, we can remain positive and hopeful (instead of negative and discouraged). Sometimes when I can’t see the good in a particular situation, I ask God to show me His good in it.

Say nice things to yourself.

Some days we talk terribly to ourselves. I know I’m not the only one who does this. Oftentimes we don’t even realize the negative things we are silently saying to ourselves, right?! So, let’s vow to only say nice things from this point on. Let’s be the most positive people to ourselves!

Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 MSG

So, what do you think? I invite you to try any of these and see what a difference they make. What would you add to this list? How do you remain positive and uplifting? I’d love to know in the comments below.

Thank you, friend, for having a positive presence in my life! Have a beautiful day!

Much love,

Are you the most positive person you know?
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  1. Dixie Estrem

    I find myself in this negative rut. And yes, we become our thoughts. Just started a study of Jennie Allen’s book, Get Out of Your Head. There are so many Scriptures that tell us to control our thoughts because our thoughts control our actions. Thanks for reinforcing this. Have a great day.

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’ve heard good things about this book, Dixie. I’ll add it to my list! I understand how easy it is to get into a negative rut! My God’s thoughts be ours.

  2. Shannon Winters

    That was wonderfully inspiring! Thank you!!


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