I logged on to facebook this morning and needed to read what my cousin, Jerry said in his comments of my
status from a few days ago…
I had written on Monday that we had a full weekend of soccer, I needed to take Ali to show choir choreography camp Monday night, that I was exhausted and needed a nap. (I really was exhausted from the weekend!) Jerry wrote these words…

I needed that reminder! It has been a very full week for me. I have been at Mission of Hope more this week (today will be my third day there…I will write more about that soon), Zach had his first football game Tuesday, Ali had her first volleyball game also on Tuesday, I had a hair appointment yesterday and Ali had a school physical, I’ve held more Mary Kay appointments this week, took and picked up the kids from school and practices (like usual), we have a full day of volleyball tomorrow, church tomorrow night, a soccer game on Sunday and are hopeful to watch my nephew Patrick at his football game Sunday as well. Plus we still need to shop for a homecoming dress and all the accessories sometime this weekend, and I need to keep up on the mounds of laundry! Whew!
I needed Jerry’s reminder…sometimes I get so caught up in the “busy-ness” of going here, going there, running here, running there, crossing things off my list to do…that I don’t pause to appreciate these are all good things we are “busy” with, and my time with the kids now is priceless! I really don’t have much time with them left, as they are growing up so quickly!
Today I vow to appreciate EACH thing I am doing for the Mission, for my family, and my time with each person…especially my family! Instead of focusing on what I “need” to do next, I will focus on appreciating the blessings God has given me!
Thanks, Jerry! 🙂