I’m writing this on a Tuesday. In mid-February. It’s winter in Iowa. We’ve received 40-some inches of snow this season and we’re expected to receive more tonight. Some of us are tired and weary of all. the. snow.
Many of us are walking through tough times. Discouragement might be moving in and taking up residency in our minds and hearts. We wonder will it ever get better?
We may feel unloved, alone, forgotten, unworthy. Life has gotten too serious, too monotonous, too overwhelming.
The thing is though, we don’t have to follow how we feel. We can cling to hope as we look to truth. The smallest ray of light dispels any present darkness.
Let’s find some light today. Let’s look at things from a different angle today.

11 Things To Remember Today:
You are loved.
God, the One who created you, loves you dearly. Always has, always will. And, there’s nothing you can do to change that.
You are not alone.
Even if it feels like it. Even if it appears you are. You are never alone. God is always with you.
It’s okay if you’re not okay.
Who said you have to be okay all the time? It’s okay to cry, to scream, to be sad or angry or whatever. Let it out and give yourself permission to not be okay for awhile. You don’t always have to be the strong one. Rely on God to be.
You are more than your title.
No matter if you’re a mom, a custodian, an executive. A barista, a volunteer, a truck driver. Your title doesn’t define you. God does. And that’s what’s most important.
God is in control and you don’t have to be.
Whew! The pressure is off. The weight of the world no longer rests on your shoulders. Rest in the truth of God being in control. You were never meant to carry that burden.
Live in the moment.
We’ll never get this moment back. Ever. Live in it. Soak it up. Breathe it in. Rejoice in each moment you’re given today.
Love is always the best answer.
Instead of responding in hurt or anger or revenge, pause and remember how God answers us. In love. Unconditional love. We can love because He first loved us.
Smile and breathe.
Smiling lifts our spirits. Breathing deep is good for our bodies. Consciously do both throughout the day and see what a difference it makes.
Extending grace to another lightens their load and yours.
People mess up, say the wrong words, do the wrong things. Shower them with grace and compassion. It’ll not only benefit them, it’ll be freeing to you, too.
Something small can brighten the day.
Whether it’s for you or for another, do something to brighten the day. A favorite piece of chocolate. An indulgent cup of coffee. A new shade of lipstick. A gentle hug. It’s amazing how something small can make such a difference.
Let the child inside you have some fun. Make a snow angel. Start a snowball fight (in love!). Catch snowflakes on your tongue. Play a board game. Get out the crayons and coloring books. Skip down the sidewalk. Adulting can get boring. It’s fun to be a kid again!
Remember these as you go about your day. Share them with another who could use some encouragement. God is with you, friend. That’s the best news all day!
Much love,

I absolutely love this and need to read it everyday! Such simple things with great results! Keep it coming, girl!!!
I need it every day too, Cindy. Thanks for your continued words of encouragement, friend!