I’m that mom.
You know her. The one who is the strictest, the meanest, the one who doesn’t allow disrespect from her children.
I believe it’s hereditary, because my mom was the same way.
I vividly remember yelling at her, “I hate you!!,” when I was sixteen. I eventually apologized to her, but I’ve never forgotten it. I imagine she never did either.
That’s one sentence I’m thankful my kids have never yelled at me. I imagine they’ve wanted to a time or two.
–What mom doesn’t allow curse words, nor words like sucked or stupid, in her home?
–What mom asked to preview “the movie” at school before her kids watched it?
–What mom would read “controversial” school books as her child read them to be aware and available for his questions?
–What mom does not allow t.v.s in her children’s bedrooms?
–What mom meets her kids’ friends’ parents before allowing them to spend the night with those friends?
–What mom either waits up for or has her teenagers wake her up when they arrive home after an evening out with friends?
–And what mom demands for her children to tell the truth, to be home on time, to do weekly chores, and to meet at the dinner table together for a meal each evening?
Yep, I’m that mom.
The meanest and strictest. No doubt about it. Ask my children, and ask their friends. They’ll tell you more than the highlights here.
My husband and I desired to raise our children in a godly manner. With morals, ethics, with love, and yes, with discipline. We wanted to raise the precious children God blessed us with according to His standards, and not the world’s. We did all we could to seek god in our parenting, to pray for our children, and to guide them to Him.
It was no wonder it often appeared we were parenting differently than most (because we were)!
There were numerous times I questioned my motherhood and my mothering skills. More instances than not, I felt like a failure. I wanted to be the perfect mom, but no matter how I tried, I continually messed up.
But there was one thing that kept me going…Â The truth that I was accountable to God for how I raised my children.
And I still am.
Being a parent has been the toughest, and yet the most rewarding calling on my life. And I thank God for every moment.
As my daughter will be turning 21 at the end of the month, and my son will be graduating from high school the day prior, I marvel at how God has grown them to be the young woman and man they are today. Imperfect, yet following God. I’m thankful He’s equipped me in my motherhood. I’m thankful I didn’t give up. Even on the difficult days. Even when I wanted to.
Fellow parent, stay strong in your parenting. Continue to seek God, and point your children to Him. Even if it’s unpopular. Even if you’re the meanest mom or dad. Even if you’re “that mom.” Don’t give up. Your work is worth it.Â
I’m cheering you on today, mom and dad.
I’m linking up with friends Kelly at #RaRaLinkup and Holly at #TestimonyTuesday. Stop on over at these places. You’ll be blessed!
Love this Julie! You are that great mom 🙂 What a testament to the Lord, raising them right and giving Him the glory. Great kids, and they have your dimples too!
Doris, they do have my dimples. My husband has them too, so they were bound to have them! God has really encouraged my heart this week in helping me see we followed Him and His ways in our parenting, even through the times I doubted if it was all worth it. It was and is! Thank you for your words of encouragement. You’re a gift!!
Love this, Julie! We can be tempted to dummy down our efforts to be the “popular mom” but I am much like you in my desire to raise our son to honor God. To respect, follow, and walk forward in a manner pleasing to Him. And it’s left room for grace because honoring God means pointing to Him and His love even when he (or I) messes up. And…I’m previewing “that movie” next week! 🙂
Tiffany, you just about made my heart leap out of my chest! I’m so glad you are previewing “the movie” next week. That was one of the wisest things I ever did (thanks to God’s leading). Keep doing what you’re doing. It may not always be the easiest way to raise children, but it’s the best way. So proud of you!! Blessings upon your motherhood, friend!
Aww, Julie, that is so sweet. Your kids are beautiful, and someday they will raise their children in the same way. How encouraging to young moms and dads. I was just recounting to my mom and 27 year old daughter the other day, how she (my daughter) was so difficult to raise because of her strong willed nature. She used to tell me she hated me all the time! And I was a single mom, so I guess I figured that I deserved it (wrong thinking, btw!). I asked her if she remembered how she would hide in my closet after I reprimanded (yelled) at her. She didn’t remember. One time she actually pulled all my clothes off the hangers. And I remember thinking, “What do I do with this kid? This isn’t typical behavior!” She was always on step ahead of me. Thankfully, she turned out okay and is a lovely young woman today (with a very strong personality!). Thanks for sharing this.
Mary, it sounds like we have similar daughters, both with strong wills. Oh, those difficult days are ones I don’t care to relive, but God was with us then, just as much as He’s with us now. What a gift to have your mom still here with you, too! Thank you for sharing some of your story here. You’ve blessed me today.
ThWill you for your post to day about Mother. I am a mother to two teenage sons. My older son is 18 and have disabilities and my youngest son is 16 , hE has a birthday coming up MAy and he will be 17.They both love the Lord and they both are involved in things at church. I am a very proud mother.
It’s a joy to watch God grow our children right before our very eyes, isn’t it? What gifts our children are to us moms. May God bless you as you continue to guide them in His ways. Thanks so much for stopping in!
Julie, my friend, you are a great MOM! Your children are and will continue to be blessed by the way you and your husband have chosen to raise them. I am reminded of the words we hear in Deuteronomy 6:4-9; the great Shema. You are truly living out those words in your home. And I pray that more families are able to live that out in their lives.
Thank you, Tara. There were so many times we questioned ourselves as we were in the thick of raising our children according to God’s ways. It seemed often we were swimming upstream. I’m thankful we never compromised. Our children aren’t perfect, but I can see them living out their faith. Thank you for your encouraging words today. You’re such a blessing!
Love it, Julie! I’m that mom, too:) That Moms unite!!
Amen, Kristine! Hope your Mother’s Day was wonderful!