Baby #1 was to arrive any day.
Working my at-home career was going well. Everything was going as planned… until our sweet little bundle of joy arrived on the scene.
I wasn’t ready for this.
I went from 90 miles an hour to a standstill. From planning my work day, to planning when I could squeak in a shower. From running meetings and conference calls, to running on little sleep.
Moms, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.
Many days the house was messier when my husband arrived back home at day’s end than when he left hours prior. I imagine he wondered to himself a time or two, “what did she do all day?”
There just weren’t enough hours in my day. I was an unorganized mess with a new schedule, a new priority, and a new way of life.
I needed to make some changes. And quick. Below are a few items I incorporated into my daily schedule. These can be applied to your situation… Whether you’re a mom raising your children, a work-from-home mom, a corporate executive, a teacher, a student, etc, you can adapt them to work for you.
Help For When There Aren’t Enough Hours In The Day
Do work from a list.
Start your day (or end the day prior) with a list of items to be accomplished and finished. This helps you stay on track as you work through the list, one item at a time. There’s a great sense of accomplishment as you cross off each item when finished!
Do the important first.
Number each item on your list in order of importance. It’s critical to know the difference between urgent and important. Some urgent items aren’t always the most important. Be diligent to finish important items first.
Do delegate when possible.Â
Who can help you work through your list? An assistant in the office? Your child at home? Your spouse? Just because the item is on your list, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be the one completing it. It’s okay and often necessary to ask for help. (Plus it’s a great way to teach children the importance of helping and delegating.)
Do pray.
I do this first. When the days just don’t seem long enough for all I have to do, I pray. I pray for God to stretch my time, for wisdom to work smart, for alertness, for His equipping, and for His peace throughout my day. (This makes all the difference for me!)
Do find the good in your work.
Look for the small, sometimes insignificant moments that bring you joy as you work through your day. No matter if it’s in your office, in your home, in the classroom or wherever your “work” is, look for all the good you can. This helps make your day brighter and better!
Don’t compromise sleep.
The last thing to skimp on when the days aren’t long enough is your rest. When you’re tired, everything suffers. Do what you can to get your normal hours of sleep, preferably somewhere between 6-8 hours.
Don’t compromise meal time.
If you have to, schedule time to eat. That may sound silly, but when you’re on the go and working from your list, sometimes meals take a backseat. It becomes too easy to skip meals, run through a drive-thru, or eat out of the vending machine. Pack a lunch or have healthy snacks on hand. Have something ready in the fridge, or have prepared in your mind what your next meal will be.
Don’t allow yourself to feel overwhelmed.
Just put one foot in front of the other. Do the next thing. Don’t look at all you have to do, but just the next thing on your list. Bite-sized pieces are much easier to swallow than the whole pizza!
Don’t beat yourself up.
If you aren’t able to finish every item on your list at days’ end, give yourself permission to be okay with that. Move that item to tomorrow’s list, and forget about it until tomorrow. Sleep in peace, my friend!
Which one will you put into practice today or tomorrow? What do you find helps you when there aren’t enough ours in the day?
Ah yes, I needed to hear this today! I decided to take a year off from teaching to work on some other projects, and suddenly I feel busier than usual! How does that happen? I will definitely put your ideas to work. My problem is that I try to put too many items on my list, then I feel defeated when I don’t get it all done. I think I need to shorten my list! Thank you Julie – you blessed me today with your post.
Hi Kristine! I’m excited to read you’re doing some other projects this year. What a great opportunity for you! I understand what you mean by shortening your list, believe me! Keep me posted on your progress. Thank you for stopping over. Have a blessed week!
Good list. Works for terminal illness, as well.
I’d add one thing – do the hard stuff first. If there’s a job that’s diffult or unpleasant, just get it done, get it out of the ay. It’s liberating, not to have some fell task hanging over your head.
Good one… yep, that one is for me. Do the hard stuff first.