When Life Gets Too Busy

by | May 13, 2014 | Encouragement

Stop and smell the roses

I wore busyness like badge. No one was busier. I was proud of the busy life I led. If you asked me how I was, I would have replied, “Busy!” The busier I was, the more important I felt.

Busy people get more done.

Busy people are going places.

Busy people have more important things to do than stopping and smelling the roses.

At least that’s what the world told me. And I bought into it.

Society teaches us the busier we are…

–the more important we are,
–the more influence we have,
–the more money we’ll make,
–the more we’ll feel better about ourselves.

I found none of the above to be true. Truth be told, I felt like I was on a racing treadmill, running myself ragged, but getting nowhere, and soon to crash.

Can we just slow this thing down?

It was time to step off. And so I did.

Moms are busy. Dads are busy. Our kids are busy. We’re all busy. With work, volunteering, school, activities, staying up late, getting up early, organizing our stuff, cleaning our stuff, fixing our stuff. Yes, we all find ways to be busy.

But, is life really meant to be this busy? Do we really need to do all we are doing? Being over-committed, over-stressed, over-the-top weary because we are running ourselves beyond what we should be?

Really, when was the last time we stepped off the treadmill?? Not just for a few seconds to catch our breath to get back on, but to let our bodies and minds rest??

I’d say now is as good of a time as any.

I wonder how many blessings I missed because I was either looking down at my phone or looking too far ahead to the next thing to notice them.

Or how many sunrises and sunsets I missed because work was too important.

Or how many blooming flowers I cared not to stop and soak in their fragrant aroma because I had better things to do.

Now, I’m not saying we should be idle and all we should do is “smell the roses.” Not at all. But what I am saying is,

Life is too important to be so immersed in our busyness that we miss life itself.

Look around you. What simple joys can you appreciate today? What roses can you smell? What part of life can you soak in? What can you do to slow the pace of life a little?

Here are my joys today:

A sunset from last week…

sunset 06

Our lilac bush in full bloom and in full scent…

flowers 04

The daffodils that were once in my mother’s garden…

flowers 03

The flowers I potted over the weekend…

flowers 01

flowers 05

The green grass (with a few dandelions)…


My family and our smiles…

Lefebure family

I don’t call my life “busy” anymore. It’s full. Full of many blessings, and so is yours.

Take time to appreciate them today. I’d love to read what they are below.


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  1. Virginia Petrzelka

    Very beautifully put Julie! I have “seasons” of busyness…such as getting ready for this upcoming weekend’s festivities but for the most part, like you, I look at my everyday tasks as blessings!! That might explain why I LOVE my clothesline 🙂 So I guess you could consider my clothesline a blessing as it could incorporate ALL that keeps my life full. The ability to wash, desire to enjoy, family to care for, air to breath, etc….
    P.S. Enjoyed seeing you in the pits (at the racetrack, that is 🙂 Seeing you always brings a smile to my face!!!

    • Julie

      Virginia, I love your clothesline too! And I love that I can see it from my home. It’s presence, full of clothes, represents so much like you described. You are a beautiful example of delight attending your work for your wonderful family! It was great seeing you too in the pits! As you get ready for Saturday, if there’s anything I can do to help Thursday or Friday, by all means call me! I’m at your disposal. Thank you for your adding your thoughts here. It means so much to me! God bless you, friend!

  2. Sabra Penley

    What a beautiful family! Thanks for reminding me to not forge ahead in my day and miss out on all the beauty God has given us! Blessings to you, Julie!

    • Julie

      Thank you, Sabra. They are pretty special to me. 🙂 So glad we have opportunities to appreciate all God blesses us with!

  3. Jen @ Growing in Faith

    Amazing. Yes, fullness is much, much better than busyness. I got trapped in that “busy=important” groove and dove into way to many things, especially in college. Having stepped back, re-evaluated things, and giving up that busyness….I’m much happier with this fullness! I pray I can stay this way, and not get sucked in again. Thank you for these wonderful words!!

    • Julie

      Hi Jen! We can get sucked in without even realizing it, and when we do, we are in over our heads! I can certainly relate. I’m so glad you’ve gotten out of that cycle, and I’m praying for you this morning for God to help you stay balanced and “full.” Thank you for your encouragement and for sharing your thoughts today. You’ve blessed me with them!


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