Is God calling you to something you’re just not sure about? Or something that’s making you feel uneasy and a bit uncomfortable? Well, that seems to be what God does, don’t you agree? Because God’s plans for our lives are always bigger and better than ours. And He grows us through what He calls us to. Today we’re picking up where we left off in last week’s episode where I began to share my story of when God called me to my own Nineveh. Maybe He’s calling you to yours, too? Together today we’ll find real life encouragement as we take a look at when God calls you into the uncomfortable.

To recap a little from last week, my Bible Study Fellowship teaching leader asked from behind the microphone in class one Wednesday morning in 2009 a question that made me want to get sick to my stomach. She asked,
What will you do if God calls you to Nineveh?
We were studying Jonah in that lesson and well, you might be familiar with the story. In that question my teaching leader asked, I knew God was calling me to my own Nineveh. Would I follow Him or would I be like Jonah and run? I wanted to be like Jonah, but I knew better. The thought of it all made me very uncomfortable, but the thought of sitting in the belly of a whale made me feel more uncomfortable!
God was calling me into the uncomfortable, and I had to follow.
So, one Tuesday morning, nervous, scared, and a little excited, I showed up at my own Nineveh. At our local mission to serve the hurting, the hopeless, and the homeless in our community. To the formerly incarcerated, the lost, and the least in the worlds eyes,
Now, it’s not that I didn’t like these people, I just simply didn’t know them. I wasn’t sure what to expect that first day, but I certainly didn’t expect to experience all I did.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 15-minute episode.
Going to Nineveh was the best thing I could have done.
So, where is your Nineveh, friend? Is God calling you there?
I share some Bible verses to encourage us and more details on what God did in my heart and in my life through my time at that local mission. God completely transformed my life!
Nineveh can be an uncomfortable place, outside looking in, but if God is calling us to go there, He’s going to lead us every step of the way. We can’t foresee what God will do there, but we can be sure of this: it will impact our lives and the lives of others. Be willing to step into the uncomfortable with God, friend. He is with you. I’m cheering you on and praying for you. God bless you.
Links in this episode
Episode 83, Are We Called to Be Comfortable?
Psalm 32:8-9 TPT
1 Thessalonians 5:24 NLT
2 Timothy 1:9 TLB
Encouragement for Real Life Community
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