Over the weekend I got to thinking about our destinies. Do we each have one? Who controls them? What does God have to say about them? Have we let others dictate them? You name it, if it had to do with destinies, I probably thought about it. And it all stemmed from something I caught on a TV show. Who controls your destiny? Is it others? You? God? This matters. We’ll dig into God’s Word to see what He has to say about it, too.

So, who controls your destiny?
Do you? Do others? Does God?
I’m not referring to luck, or fortune, or karma. I’m referring to Oxford Language’s definition of destiny: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
Did you watch American Idol this season? It just ended this past Sunday evening. We aren’t big TV-watching people here, but this show is one I enjoy watching. And this season was filled with many stories of people who inspired me. Including the winner, Iam Tongi. I was rooting for both he and the runner up, Megan Danielle, so I was glad they were both in the finals of the show.
But a certain story emerged, beginning with Megan’s in-person audition. I guess you could say Megan is a big fan of Christian music artist, Lauren Daigle, and sang one of her songs in the audition. Somehow, Lauren happened to come to Megan’s audition and she surprised her by coming in the room and singing with her. Megan was invited to go to Hollywood for the show.
On Sunday evening’s finale they flashed back to that audition moment before Megan and Lauren took the stage together to sing another one of Lauren’s songs. They also showed a short clip of when Lauren was a contestant on American Idol years ago. What?? She was a prior contestant? Is that where she got her start in Christian music?
If you know me, I took to the internet and searched. And what I found encouraged me so.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 13-minute episode.
I think it’ll encourage you as well!
We’re in good hands, friend.
God bless you!
Links in this episode:
- Lauren Daigle
- Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
- Psalm 138:8 NLT
- Romans 8:28 ESV
- Encouragement for Real Life Community
- Access my free Resources designed to encourage your heart and add a lift to your step!