The Mom of an Adult

by | Mar 25, 2014 | Parenting

For lunch I was preparing myself a spinach salad with all of my favorites… fresh mushrooms, black olives, chicken, ranch.

As I was, I glanced to my phone and was struck by the beauty of the woman I saw in the picture.


Yes, the WOMAN. This WOMAN was my daughter.

That was the first time I ever put those two words in the same sentence to describe my firstborn child. (Gulp.)

I had to sit down. Seriously.

I couldn’t even eat my salad.

“Wait. How can my child be an adult??”
“And worse yet, how can I be old enough to have an adult child??”

Now, I haven’t had a mental lapse of the last few years. I’ve lived them fully. I know my age, and my daughter’s. We’ve walked hand-in-hand through the big moments of her life as she’s transitioned from high school life to her second year in college. It’s been a transition with a learning curve for us all.

But for some reason when I gazed at that picture of her today, I didn’t see my “daughter.” I saw the “woman” she is.

Why did this hit me so today? I really have no idea. But as I sat there at our kitchen table, staring at her picture on my phone, I began to be filled with such joy and pride in being this girl’s woman’s mom. (Smile.)

I couldn’t be more proud of her. I have sat back and watched her make some big, adult decisions, especially recently. I imagine they’ve made God smile. I’ve applauded her wisdom.

I’ve watched her show up for the last 25 weeks (minus maybe one or two) to the Bible study we both attend. I believe she’s the youngest out of the 230+ women who attend this study. Yet she comes… ready to receive what God has for her, and ready to interact with those older than she.

I see how she’s taking a full load of classes, yet works her job around her studies to, for the most part, support herself. She’s learned how to manage her money effectively. She’s learned responsibility. She’s learned the difference between what’s a “need” and what’s a “want.” She’s being smart and responsible.

I pray for this beautiful woman every day. God has her. He is growing her into a woman for Him. As He does, I’ll continue to be in the front row, or on the sideline, or behind the scenes, whispering prayers and supporting her in the ways a mom of an adult does.

Alissa Mom

I did end up enjoying my salad. (Smile.) Thank you for allowing me to share this joy of motherhood with you today!


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