Tell Your Story

by | Jun 5, 2014 | Encouragement, Love Others

No one else has the same story as you.You have a story.

And it’s an important one.

You may not think it is.

But it is.

No one else has the same story as you. It’s as unique as you are.

And no one can tell it like you can.

Do you share it? Do you tell it often?

A smile comes to my face as I think back to when my children were young. They couldn’t get enough stories of my dad, their grandfather. He passed away when our daughter was five and our son was two. They are now twenty and seventeen.

Ali grandpa 001

They were given the incredible gift of spending many hours with their grandpa through those early years of their lives before his passing. They got to know him well. As well as a five- and two-year old could. Their big, open-wide hearts loved their grandpa, and his death was their first experience of what a broken heart feels like.

Daily I was prompted by my two little ones,

“Tell us a Grandpa Story!!”

I would dig deep into my memory of the many things Grandpa did and said in my youth, my teenage years, my adult years. When I felt I had come to the end of new stories, or when my mind would go blank, I would call in reinforcements, a.k.a. my brothers, for more. And they would provide.

The stories seemed endless. Little did I realize, telling those stories helped me grieve, and allowed his memory to live on for years through them.

My father was a good man. He was a hard worker. My brothers and I learned our work ethic from him. He provided for our family. He loved his family. I watched him love his wife, my mom. He didn’t do anything that was newspaper-worthy, but how he lived his life was certainly story-worthy.

I imagine my father never thought he had a story to tell. I imagine he never dreamed the stories of his life would be told again and again through future generations. I imagine he never thought about any of that. He just lived the life that was before him.

And that’s what you and I are doing, and that’s a story to tell.

Are you a devoted mom and wife, taking care of your home? Are you a student, trying to keep your head above water? Are you like most of us, trying to make the most of each day?

Or maybe you’ve just walked through a trial or challenging time and you’ve survived to tell about it. Maybe God has taught you a lesson that would benefit others.

You may not think it’s any big deal, but it is.

You certainly have a story to tell.

How you share it is up to you. Share it in person. Share it with your children. Share it on paper. Share it in a blog (like I do). Share it in a book. Shout it from the rooftops.

I’d love to hear it. And so would others.

And who knows, maybe someday we’ll have grandchildren that will say to their parents,

“Tell me a Grandpa/Grandma story,”

and their parents will be able to tell them one, after another, after another.


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  1. Doris Swift

    Beautiful post Julie! Our family has many beloved memories and stories to tell, and you made me think about the importance of keeping those stories alive. I’m glad our blogging will also leave a legacy of love. Thanks for your encouragement today! Loved hearing about your dad 🙂 Sharing faith through stories is awesome.

    • Julie

      Thank you, Doris! Yes, that’s exactly why I began my blog…to share the stories of our lives to pass on to future generations. 🙂 My dad was wonderful. Thank you for your interest in my story about him. Makes me miss him today. Glad you are keeping your stories alive! Much love to you!

  2. Beth S.

    I love this encouragement to share our stories. What a beautiful way to encourage us by sharing how the stories of your father touched you and helped you to grieve. There really is such beauty in telling our stories. Thank you for how you share yours here. I’m looking forward to continuing to get to know you better.

    • Julie

      Beth, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better too. Thank you for your words of encouragement. We all have stories to share that would benefit those around us. I’d love to hear (or read) more of yours too! It blesses me that you stopped in today. Sending hugs your way!


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