A day off from school, yet we have to go to church at 2pm?
And we have to hear the same message about Jesus dying on the cross?
Why do I want to hear about the crown of thorns and the nails? That’s gross.
If He died, why then is this Friday called Good?
I never “got it” as a kid.
Good Friday was to me, just a day off from school. I dreaded the midday church service. I wanted to play with my friends. Why did we have to go to church, when others didn’t?
As hard as I tried, the whole thing just never made sense to me. How I wish someone would have explained this day, and the truth of Easter, to my child-aged mind.
As a mom of two young children, I desired to make sure our children understood–on their level–what Jesus did for us on the cross. And more importantly, what it means for us that He didn’t stay in the grave, but rose on the third day. Easter.
The gloriousness of this truth was planted in their young hearts through the tools I received as that young mom through Bible Study Fellowship. The Easter Home Training Lesson helped me teach it to them in a way they would “get it.”
Even as adults, we may not understand it. But the truth of Easter is too important to not spend some time in learning, reflecting on, and allowing it to transform our lives.
Read the below scripture passages with your children, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews. Share the truths and talk about them. Read them for yourself.
I. Read Mark 14:32-50.
1. Jesus knew what was going to happen, but He did not run away or hide.
2. Jesus wanted to do what God, His Father, wanted Him to do.
II. Read Mark 14:53-15:15.
1. Jesus had done nothing wrong.
2. God was in complete control. It was God’s plan for Jesus to die.
III. Read Mark 15:16-32.
1. Jesus could have gotten off the cross, but He did not. He knew God wanted Him to be there, and He obeyed God.
2. Jesus suffered for our sins. The soldiers hurt Jesus.
IV. Read Mark 15:33-47.
1. Jesus died on the cross. He died because He loves us and wants us to go to heaven.
2. Only people who love and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will go to heaven.
3. Jesus’ friends took His dead body and laid it in a tomb.
V. Read Matthew 28:1–10.
1. God made Jesus come alive again.
2. Because Jesus came alive, all people who believe in Him will live forever with Him.
3. Many people saw Jesus and talked to Him after His resurrection.
That child who didn’t “get” the Easter miracle, grew up to be a mom who lives to make Jesus known to others, in a real and transparent way. I’m most grateful for how Jesus died for me through His sacrifice on the cross, and saved me by rising from the grave. Because of this, I know I’ll be spending eternity in His presence.
He did this for you too. I’m lifting in prayer all who read through these this weekend. Because of Jesus, may this Easter be incredibly special to you and yours!