I struck up a conversation this morning with a Target employee as he was busily restocking the toilet paper shelves. (Arriving to the store earlier than normal, I was hoping to beat the rush. I found out that didn’t make much of a difference.) Anyway, this employee was having a difficult time maneuvering through the maze of people. Our conversation went like this:
Me: “I imagine this isn’t your most favorite part of your job.”
Target Guy: “Actually, some of us like retail.”
Me: “I can understand that. But, what I mean is dealing with the madness of toilet paper flying off the shelves and moving through this maze of people probably isn’t your favorite part of your job.”
Target Guy: “Well, we’ve received a truck of 25 pallets of toilet paper today. And that’s just today. We get some every day. We aren’t going to run out.”
Me: “Really? That’s good to know. Is it always this busy this early in the morning?”
Target Guy: “It’s like Black Friday here every morning since last week. People are waiting to get in outside, and when the doors are first opened, they run to get the items they need.”
Me: “Run? Are you serious?”
Target Guy: “Yes, ma’am. They run. It’s interesting, that’s for sure!”
Of all the places I traveled to this morning, the Target Guy was the most positive person I saw doing his job. Not one negative word came from his mouth. Not one eye roll escaped from his face. No negative action came from this man restocking toilet paper.

I want to be more like the Target Guy.
Even when times are uncertain. Even when life gets a bit turned upside-down, I want to be positive, uplifting, and smiling. To maybe make another person’s day a bit brighter and load a little lighter. (Even if she is buying a pack of toilet paper.) I want to be a blessing as the Target Guy was for me this morning. He wasn’t doom and gloom. He helped me forget about this pandemic for a moment as He brightened my day. So much so, I guess I’m writing about him today.
This reminds me of a prayer I adapted from another and wrote years ago.
Lord, Help Me Be A Blessing Today
Lord, help me be a blessing today.
Help me to lessen the load of others.
Equip me to encourage, and cue me to show compassion.
Where I can, help me walk alongside of those who need a friend, with a listening ear, and a helping hand.
Help me to not add to the burden of any person, in any way.
Allow me to voice words of sympathy, sorrow, and caring.
Help me to also speak blessings, compliments, and congratulations wherever I’m able.
Give me a heart to comfort and not compare, and to serve without strife.
Lord, open my eyes to the ones who feel invisible.
Allow me to see those who aren’t seen.
May I notice those who feel unnoticed.
Lead me to love without conditions, believe the best in others, and shine your light to everyone I meet.
I pray others see Jesus in me today.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
–Julie Lefebure
Yes, I want to be a blessing and not a burden.
To notice the unnoticed. To believe the best in others and not the worst. And most importantly, to shine bright for Jesus every single day. Lord, please help me to do this.
So, according to the Target Guy, they aren’t going to run out of toilet paper. If you need some, they’ll likely have another truck arriving tomorrow. Just don’t run when you get inside the doors, please.
And if you see the Target Guy, tell him hello from the woman to tried to chat his ear off in the toilet paper aisle yesterday morning.
God bless you, friend!

I had a similar experience today at Walmart. The employee was a chipper as can be, it was quite refreshing! I am a little sad, OK A LOT sad today; St. Patty’s is my most favorite day and with all events being cancelled I am SUPER DUPER SAD. He was a reminder that I need to turn my frown upside down….it is still a bit sideways but I am sure trying! 😉
Thanks for sharing this, Margaret! This goes to show how one person can make a difference and help turn a frown upside down… or sideways, at least! It was a different St. Patrick’s Day this year, that’s for sure. One day at a time, right? You are a light… keep shining!
We can choose to be “Positive Patty” or “Debbie Downer”. I think your experience reminds us how important it is to be positive and encouraging to those around us (even in the toilet paper aisle!)
I continue to remember this guy when I start to get down. His example truly impacted me! Bless you, friend!