Refuse To Be Offended

by | Oct 7, 2012 | Encouragement, Love Others

Proverbs 1911One day this week, Beth Moore tweeted, “Let’s see what today’d be like if we decided to be impossible to offend. Nothing gets heavier over time than a chip on my shoulder. Pr. 19:11”

That was enough inspiration to motivate me to refuse to be offended.

Then the day began…

I had the opportunity to encourage a friend that day, and I really poured it out of my heart for her. It was honest and heartfelt. Her response was a simple, “Thanks.”

I guess I then expected some encouragement back, as she knew some things I was working through, as we just finished talking about it all. She said nothing.

I remembered Beth’s tweet, and I refused to be offended. I prayed for my friend instead.

This happened a second time, in a different situation with another friend the next day. I really could have used some kind words from her, but there was none.

I refused to be offended.

Then later in the week, I had a conversation with the same friend who I encouraged the first day. She told me in the middle of that conversation, “You look tired.” That took about all I had out of me. She might as well told me, “You look awful.” I learned a long time ago not to ever say that to anyone. It does no good for anyone to hear they look tired. It certainly doesn’t make them feel better… it makes the person feel worse and even more tired!

Well, even though I was yawning, I didn’t feel tired. I felt great. I had a good night’s sleep the night before, and I was in the middle of a great, uplifting day. But that comment took the wind out of my sails. It was hard to not be offended, but I imagined that comment rolling off my back and crashing on the ground. I wasn’t going to let it penetrate me.

When I got home an hour or so later, I asked Bill if I looked tired. He must have known what I needed to hear… “No, you look beautiful.” 🙂

It helped me this week in dealing with others to keep my focus on refusing to be offended. I’d say that’s a good tip for every day!

Proverbs 19:11 reads, “A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.”



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