I thought I would bless my family today by whipping up a batch of my mom’s cut out sugar cookies. I was sick right before Christmas, so not one of my annual Christmas cookies was baked in our home. I figured I would make them instead for Valentine’s Day. I was motivated to spend the afternoon cutting out heart-shaped cookies, baking and decorating them since it’s snowing outside and I got everything crossed off my “to do list” this morning.
I mixed up the dough, as I simultaneously listened to some training podcasts on my laptop. The oven was preheating… until a terrible sound came from inside of the oven. I could see sparks flying inside as I peered through the front oven window. Sure enough, the baking element blew. No baking for me today. (Sad face.)
Seriously??!! Of all days, why did this have to happen today?!!
I can’t be the only person this kind of stuff happens to! Am I?! What do we do when disappointment comes? (And it will come… sooner or later.)
Well, I know what I used to do. I used to get mad. I used to get angry. And I made sure everybody around me knew it. I used to let things like this ruin my day. And truth be told, it probably ruined everyone’s day around me.
But not my husband. Bill doesn’t let much get to him, especially things like this. I’ve heard him say more than once recently, “Roll with it.”
So today, I “rolled with it.” IÂ began to think of all the possible scenarios that would have been worse… having the element go out while cooking Christmas dinner, while making a meal for dinner guests, or while the cookies were in there half-baked. I would have had to throw them out.
Okay, agreed. It could be worse.
And then I thought, “I guess I’m supposed to do something else today.”
I put the dough in the fridge, and decided to share my experience here. I guess I’ll make cookies later this week.
If you’re not having the kind of day you expected, or if something has happened that was disappointing to you today, take heart my friend. For Psalm 62:8 declares, “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”
Could there be something to learn from it, or maybe God has something better for you? Give it to Him and see what He does.
Blessings to you today!