My BSF Sisters

by | May 7, 2013 | Faith

My day is winding down. It’s almost time for me to call it a night.

I feel like God has carried me today. I had so much to do, and even though I didn’t get everything done on my list, I feel good about what I did get done. I didn’t get overwhelmed, but just stayed focused on “the next thing.”

Today was my last official BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) leaders’ meeting morning. (BSF is a wonderful international interdenominational Bible study and I’ve been attending for 16 years.) We’ll have our sharing time together next Monday, which I’m thankful for. But this morning, I looked around the room as we sang, “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.” I hadn’t really given any thought to the fact that today was the last day we’d meet until September–until we started singing that hymn. I really had to fight back the tears.

I have spent the last 31 weeks with these dear sisters…all 38 (I think) of them. We’ve studied God’s Word together, we’ve grown through Genesis together, we’ve shed tears together, we’ve encouraged each other, we’ve prayed for each other, and we’ve blessed each other. They each are a gift to me and I thank God for each one tonight.

There’s no other group of women like these women. They each have a heart that seeks after God. They each desire to serve God above all else. They each love others unconditionally. They each pray in a powerful way.  It’s been an honor for me to know they have prayed for me throughout the year, and they are praying for healing for my shoulder now. These friends each love Jesus, and they want others to love Him too. There’s no competition in this group…just acceptance and love.

They are also some of the busiest women I know. I feel like I’m in good company there!

I’ll miss these dear friends of mine throughout the summer, but I’ll be blessed to be able to see some through involvement at the Mission. And I’ll look forward to reuniting with them in the fall.

And I’ll be remembering them in my prayers. 🙂

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