I had a realization the other day that became my focus for the last number of days, and I believe it’s something we could use a reminder of every now and then. So, it’s the perfect subject for the podcast today. If you’re interested in embracing the moment and learning how to make the most of right now, then this episode is for you. You might also want to share it with a friend who could use this encouragement as well.

Someone asked me the other day how old my mom was when she passed from this earth to her eternal home. She was 74. In that moment when I answered, I was reminded of my current age. I mentally subtracted it from my mom’s, and a lump instantly formed in my throat. Now, I don’t mean to be a downer here, but this got me thinking. I have no idea when the Lord will take me home, because none of us do. But say He calls me home at the same age He did my mother, and well, this reality wakes me up. This possibility motivates me to stop living this life as if I have all the time in the world. Because frankly, I don’t!
You and I get one chance to live this life on earth, and friend, this is it!
We don’t get a do-over, or the opportunity to begin life again. This life is the one we’re given to live abundantly. In the way Jesus came to give us life. But not only that, what we do on earth matters into eternity. How we live today and what we do with the gifts God has given us make a different now and later.
Have you thought about this at all recently? Because sometimes I believe we need a reminder of our mortality every now and then. We need to remember that we’re not guaranteed tomorrow or the next minute.
This matters. Our lives matter. Right now matters.
I share three ways to make the most of right now.
Along with the questions I’m asking myself this week. Maybe you’ll want to answer them as well.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 13-minute episode.
You and I can’t begin to guess how long we’ll be here on this earth, but what we can do is make the most of the time we’re given. To make the most of today. To make the most of right now. Because this matters. I’m cheering you on today and praying for you. God bless you!
Links in this episode:
- John 9:4 TLB
- James 4:14 VOICE
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