Going to that Place…

by | Jan 7, 2010 | God, me

Go to that place today.
You know, that one place where everyone
else just doesn’t matter anymore–
the traffic, the deadlines, the stress,
the demands, all the hassles of
doing life in a world like ours.
Go that that quiet place,
It doesn’t have to be for long.
Just long enough to breathe,
to be.
Give yourself the gift
of time,
of space,
of solitude.
Go there.
Remember. Listen. Look.
Listen some more.
And in that still, small whisper,
Hear the Lord…
and know you are loved.

–Sarah Mueller

I am going to that place…tonight, and I can’t wait. Where I will be physically alone, so I can deal with what today handed me. It’s been a challenging day, to say the least. I need to hear that small whisper from the Lord, and to be reminded I’m loved by Him.

At one point today, after what seemed to be one challenging and/or heartbreaking situation after another, I had to fight back the tears as I drove down the road alone. I thought for a moment, “I can’t take much more today God.” Then something else disappointing happened only about ten minutes later…”Why, God, why?” Tears welled up in my eyes, just as they are now.

I shared with the kids a little of my day after I had picked them up from school…they were with me for the first challenge of the day which happened going to school in the morning. I wanted them to hear some of “the good, the bad and the ugly,” and to see how God is with us in all of our struggles…even if it doesn’t feel like it. Maybe I was reminding myself of that truth.

Bill knew most of what my day consisted of today, and so after I arrived home tonight, his hug and words calmed me…”I’m proud of you for making it through the day.” I guess I am too, because for some time today, I didn’t think I would. Only by the grace of God…

Going to that place tonight is exactly what I need. I will be thanking Him for His presence in my life today, for protecting us, for our warm home, for jobs, schools, Tina and Jeanie who were there for me today, and for my family. I will be thanking Him for His sovereignty in my life and for teaching me at BSF today. I will be thanking Him for the things He did “behind the scenes” for me today, which I may never know about. I will be praising Him for helping me through this day. Sure the physical presence of Bill, Ali and Zach have helped me tonight, but I need to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father.

When was the last time you went to that place?

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