Snow Day #4

by | Jan 8, 2010 | This Lefe Family

This was our 4th snow day of the winter…I’m so glad we didn’t have to get out today! I should have taken some pictures of it blowing and drifting outside today, but I didn’t think about it until tonight! Here are some poor quality pictures from our back deck door. The snow has drifted up even to our deck in the back, and the drift in front of our front door is probably at least 3 feet high. Oh, the joys of winter! The snow was sure pretty though, last night and this morning as I watched it drift down from the sky!

Can I tell you how much I love snow days? I always have. Because of Bill’s work schedule, he was home today too, even though he needed to catch up on sleep awhile. It was just nice to have everyone home together.

It was a fun (and productive) day, but the thing that stands out to me about our day was what happened at lunch. We were sitting down at the kitchen table, and Zach calmly mentioned as he turned back to his lunch after looking out the deck door, “Hmmm, snowmobiles.” “Snowmobiles? Where?” I asked him. “In back,” he answered. Well, there are never any snowmobiles in back of our house…ever, because it’s not a designated snowmobile route around here. But sure enough…three people were stopped out back, sitting on their snowmobiles.

Now I have to say, I feel very uncomfortable being around snowmobilers when I can’t tell who they are with all their gear and helmets on…same as when people dress up in costumes and I can’t tell who they are…they know me, but I have no idea who they are.

We tried to ignore these three in back, but in a few minutes Ali’s phone alerted her she had a text message. It read something like, “I’m in back of your house.” It was from a boy that possibly likes Ali. Her comment was, “I thought it might be him.” She quickly texted back, (joking of course) “Hope my dad doesn’t see you.” Within a few minutes, they were gone…I wonder why? 🙂

Oh boy…I shared on facebook today that today’s episode in back of our home reminds me of when I was a teenager…only the boys would drive by on their motorcycles, and we certainly didn’t have cell phones back then. 🙂 I have come full circle!

We had a great dinner together tonight. Ali and I made Cheeseburger Soup…one of our family’s favorites. The BCS Championship game is on now, and I am summoned to get back upstairs to join the rest of the family in watching it. It’s been a great snow day…I am very thankful!
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