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Life is real, and sometimes we need real encouragement as we go about our days. You’ll find that here, and a little bit more.

Right now my site is under construction as I work on a remodel. I appreciate your patience if things occasionally look out of place!

155. When You Are Your Own Biggest Distraction

155. When You Are Your Own Biggest Distraction

Distractions keep us from living the abundant life Jesus came to give us. They also influence us in ways to be ineffective and inefficient in life. Sometimes we or our thoughts can distract us from what's important, but we may not realize our biggest distraction may...

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154. When Technology Distracts You From Life

154. When Technology Distracts You From Life

We are smack dab in the middle of our series covering what I call the "Big Five" distractions. These are the five distractions that were present among the women I polled when writing my book, Right Now Matters. We covered the past and the future in the last two...

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153. How to Stay Present When the Future Distracts You

153. How to Stay Present When the Future Distracts You

Does the future distract you? Last week we began a series regarding the top five distractions we women struggle with on any given day. I call these the Big 5. I share them in detail in Chapter 5 of my book Right Now Matters. Last week we touched on the first one--the...

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