As I’m wrapping up my day tonight, and thinking about the many things I’m thankful to God for today, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and my BSF group comes to mind.
We are in Lesson 8 in our study of the book of John this week. This is the second time I’ve studied John in BSF (studies rotate every eight years). I am learning so very much, and each week God shows me something new…either about me or about myself. It is incredible for me!
I am so enjoying the fifteen women that I’ve been placed in a group with each Wednesday this year! We are growing and learning together in Christ! We have some women that have been in BSF for years in our group, and also have some that this is their first year. It has been such a joy to get to know each of them!
Today we had our BSF fellowship after class…which is a time that we meet at one of our group member’s homes outside of our normal class time for about an hour. We bring our own lunch, and it’s an informal time of sharing what we are learning, and getting to know each other better. It was a very meaningful time together today! I was touched as one of our members shared how she became a Christian through a car accident she and her three month old were in 12 years ago…she suffered a broken neck and wore a “halo” for months. I’ve known this woman for a few years through my son’s school, but I never knew her story. What a story she has…and she’s not afraid to share how God saved her.
So today, I’m very thankful for BSF ( and the women who have been placed in my life that I get to learn and study the book of John with this year. I am so very blessed to have this program and these women in my life! Thank you, God! š