I think yesterday’s post struck a chord with many.
Expanding on the truths that you and I matter because of Whom we belong to, and our title isn’t who we are, I want to remind you today…
You are good enough.
The world will tell you otherwise. Believe me… I’ve been told a few doozies in my day. We have an enemy who wants to discourage and deflate us to the point we will give up on everything. He’ll use anything he can to do so.
He and the world will tell you:
“No matter how hard you try, you will never be good enough.”
“If you don’t have ___ amount of money, you aren’t good enough.”
“If you aren’t the right dress or pants size, you aren’t good enough.”
“If you have a particular bad habit, you aren’t good enough.”
“If you don’t parent a certain way, you aren’t good enough.”
“If your kids make a mistake, you aren’t good enough. (And neither are they.)”
“If your husband doesn’t hold a certain job, if your house isn’t a certain size, if you don’t drive a certain car, you aren’t good enough.”
“If you don’t work outside the home, or if you do, you aren’t good enough.”
“If you don’t have a certain education or a certain experience, you aren’t good enough.”
“And if you don’t have kids, or have too many, or are married or aren’t, you aren’t good enough.”
It’s a little ridiculous, isn’t it??!! I’m exasperated just writing this list.
Friend, these are all flat-out lies.
You and I will never measure up to the world’s standards. And you know? We don’t need to try.
You are good enough because God made you good enough.
God created you to be you, and me to be me. Beautiful, but not perfect. Cherished, but not to be put on a pedestal. Loved, but not beyond discipline.
There’s nothing you and I have to do to be good enough.
Psalm 139:13-16 from The Message encourages me so:
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.
God has formed us from nothing into something! You and I are marvelously made! He left no detail undone.
You and I are certainly good enough.
I pray today God helps us to stop the striving to be good enough, and to simply rest in the truth that we are.
May He especially bless you in this truth today!
Linking up with Holly Barrett for Testimony Tuesday. Come on over and join the fun!
Julie, what hit me as I read your post is that the word “enough” will trip us up every time. Perhaps instead of saying “I am good enough”, we should say, “I am good”. The truth is we are good because in all that our God created, He always saw that it was good and He created us. Great post filled with truth. So glad to link behind you at Testimony Tues. Have a great Tuesday!
Joanne, great thought about the word “enough.” I have never thought about it that way. “I am good.” Love it. Thank you so much for sharing this and visiting today. I love Testimony Tuesday! Have a great day too!
Love this post, Julie. We are good because He has made us good. I’ve never understood why it’s so hard for me to believe that! Thanks for the reminder today that anything else we choose over believing we are good through Christ is a lie! Happy Tuesday my friend!
Happy Tuesday to you too, Holly! Thank you for hosting Testimony Tuesday. I am so encouraged at your place! God is really working on me on this being “good enough” thing. So thankful He doesn’t leave us where we started with Him! Thank you for sharing!
I just love this. I love this translation of Psalm 139:14 too. I think from the Voice or Message translation. “I will offer you my grateful heart; for I am your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul.” I really needed to be reminded of this today, Julie. THANK YOU. Blessings. xoxo
Yes, Beth! I love that translation too. Psalm 139 is one of my all-time favorites! I’m thinking so many of us needed reminded of this truth today. Namely me. Thank you for sharing in my day today and for making it just a little brighter! Have a wonderful Tuesday!