77. The Distraction of Fatigue Says, “You Are Tired”

by | Jan 24, 2023 | Podcast

We continue to dive into the various distractions that plague us in our everyday lives. So, today we’re looking at the distraction of fatigue, and this can be a big distraction for many of us. It’s one we can do something about. But, when we think of distractions in our everyday lives, we tend to think of our devices, or social media, or other people. We don’t normally think about fatigue or tiredness, am I right? Because we typically don’t consider these as distractions. But let me tell you, these can be big for many of us. And the thing is, we may not even realize it.

The Distraction of Fatigue Says, "You Are Tired" | woman with arms crossed, standing next to wall looking up tired

So, how can fatigue be a distraction?

First, we define fatigue, and second, we recognize we each are familiar with it. We know how it feels after not getting a good night’s sleep, right? We each know tired. And some of us might be feeling fatigued right now this very moment.

And the thing is, when we’re fatigued, we aren’t our best. We often can’t think straight. Our reaction time is delayed, our movements are slower, and we often have difficulty functioning like we normally do. We struggle when we’re fatigued. Right? Our bodies need rest. Our brains need rest. And our souls need rest.

The distraction of fatigue prevents us from living in the moment. And consequently, it stops us from being fully engaged in what’s going on around us.

The distraction of fatigue is not our friend.

We discuss research and a few alarming stats, and we look at what God has to say about tiredness and fatigue.

The distraction of fatigue says, “You are tired.” But God says, “Rest in me.”

And that right there is our answer to fatigue.

Click on the player above to listen to the 16-minute episode.

The distraction of fatigue does not have to run our lives. It does not have to dictate how we feel or how we live. No matter how tired we’ve been in the past or how fatigued we may feel now, Jesus is waiting for us to come find rest in Him. He loves you so very much friend, and He wants to give you His rest. Thank you for joining me today. I thank God for you. God bless you!

Links in this episode:
Definition of fatigue
Synonyms of fatigue
What Does Fatigue Feel Like? article
How to Be Productive When You’re Tired from psychcentral.com
Staying Alert: Incorporating Human Fatigue in Risk Management
What Causes Fatigue and How Can I Treat It? from Medical News Today
Episode 76, The Distraction of Poor Health Says, “You Are Unwell”
Encouragement for Real Life Community on Facebook
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Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 77, The Distraction of Fatigue Says, "You Are Tired"
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  1. Nancy E. Head

    God designed us to rest and commanded us to take one out of every seven for that purpose. Thanks for the wisdom here. God bless!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Nancy! Yes, His design is perfect for us, isn’t it?! I’m grateful for the rest we receive when we take time out to do so. There is nothing like His rest! Have a blessed day!

    • Dixie

      I am finding as I recover from my accident that I have been quite short of rest over the last while. This message confirms that though I didn’t plan this situation, I am benefiting from more sleep, more time with God. A sabbath rest. Thank you.

  2. Sherris. Aka FaithisRising

    Thank you Julie for this timely message. I’ve been reclined on the couch all morning half asleep and I often struggle with fatigue. What I need to do is spend some time with Jesus in prayer and worship music. I’m so glad that you have your podcast on your website and I enjoy your daily prayers on IG.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you so much for your message today. I’m right there with you… needing to spend more time with Jesus in prayer and worship music. I think that’s an area most of us could benefit in increasing our time. I pray God continues to encourage your heart and I’m thankful for how He is doing that already. He is so good, isn’t He?! God bless you!


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