Mom Would Be Proud!

Mom Would Be Proud!

Mother’s Day is a bittersweet day for me. I love being a mom to Ali and Zach. God has given me such a gift in being their mom. Today is a day I get to celebrate that. My family spoils me each year. I woke up to flowers on the kitchen table, a gift on the dining...

Reliving Marching Band 1987

This past Saturday I saw on my facebook page that I was “tagged” in some pictures by a friend of mine, Jennifer. (I used to babysit Jennifer when she was in elementary school. We’ve been able to stay in touch over the years, and a big part of that...

Three Years Ago…

Three years ago today I lost my friend Jill. She died due to a brain aneurysm. She was just a year older than me. She was a beautiful woman, on the inside and out. She made a lasting impression on my life. She had a smile and a laugh like none other. I look forward to...

18 Years Ago

Eighteen years ago yesterday I began my Mary Kay business.  That seems impossible to me! I signed my consultant agreement six months pregnant.  I wanted to stay home and raise our children.  That was my goal.  I wanted freedom, flexibility and to be financially...
Thankful For Brother Marty!

Thankful For Brother Marty!

Yesterday was the day our family was blessed to have my brother Marty join our family 49 years ago!  I have to admit, the day slipped by me…until this morning as I was thinking about today’s date.  I always call Marty on that important day.  I know that...

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