Beginning My Week With Philippians 4:8

by | Apr 20, 2009 | This Lefe Family

Welcome to Monday! It’s a new week with new opportunities! After our not-so-relaxing relaxing weekend, I’m gearing up for another full week of all different sorts of activities in our household!

Today’s Bible Verse on my desk reads, “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 What a great verse to start the week with! That is saying to me today that God wants me to think about the things that are good in my life…the things that I can praise Him for…the things that will encourage me and not discourage me! When I think of those things, I will act in those ways! I needed that!

I’m getting my week in order early this morning…here’s a glimpse into it:

Monday: This morning I need an “office morning” after taking Ali and Zach to school. I’m feeling so far behind in my work today, so this morning will feel great to get caught back up again. I have a MK directors’ meeting at 12:45. I need to run a few errands afterwards, pick Zach up from school, and drive back home. Bill will pick up Ali after golf practice and I will quickly grab something to eat, change and go to my MK event this evening.

Tuesday: It’ll be Mission Tuesday for me again after I get the kids to school. I’ll pick up Zach from school and get him home. Ali has golf practice until 5:30, and Zach has soccer at 6:00. Will pick up Ali, drop Zach off at 6:00 and if the weather is nice, I’ll walk the track at school to get some cardio in while Zach’s at practice. šŸ™‚ Go home after soccer, watch what’s left of American Idol, have a late family dinner (I have dinner thawing in fridge and will have Bill warm it up before we arrive home) and then unwind.

Wednesday: I have Bible Study Fellowship in the morning after getting Ali and Zach to school. Lunch with my sister-in-law Stacie and niece Reagan after BSF. Have a haircut at 2:00, pick up kids from school, and Ali has an orthodontist appointment at 4:15. Have a family dinner together, watch American Idol and work in my office for an hour or so.

Thursday: Work in office in morning, and I have a couple tentative appointments set in the afternoon. Pick up Zach and Ali after school, unless Ali has a short golf practice. Thursday evening is the Progressive Band Concert at school which is ALWAYS awesome! It’s one of my favorite things of the entire school year! Both Ali and Zach will be performing!

Friday: Tina and I ususally meet on Fridays, and we’ve tentatively planned meeting for breakfast after getting the kids to school. I’ll squeeze in a few more appointments in the afternoon before picking the kids up after school. Bill and I are going on a date (yes, a date!) either Friday evening or Saturday evening…havent’ decided that yet.

Saturday: Go to my nephews, Patrick and Bennett’s 10:30 soccer game, depending on the weather. Complete some things I’m wanting to get done at home in the afternoon. If no date night on Friday night, date night will be Saturday night.

Sunday: Church at 10:30. Catch lunch somewhere, then Zach has a soccer game at 3:00 about a half-hour from church. Grace and Olivia’s birthday party is at their home at 4:00, so we’ll go to the party after the game is over.

Whew! It’s going to be a big week! I’m thankful today for the grace God gives me when I need it most! I’ll surely need it this week! I’m going to keep Philippians 4:8 in the forefront of my mind all week! šŸ™‚

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  1. Stacie

    Did you forget about Angie’s 1st Communion on Sunday???? That is at 8AM! Or maybe you have to do something at your church that day. Either way I will see you Wednesday!

  2. Julie

    Oh yeah…I left out that Sunday at 8am my niece Angie has her First Communion at their church which we will be going to also! Thanks Stacie for reminding me I forgot something in our week’s schedule! šŸ™‚


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