All week long on social media, on the podcast, and in our private Facebook group, we have been discussing how do we handle life when it doesn’t go the way we plan. Namely when the new year hasn’t begun the way we hoped. Because sometimes life takes a detour or a turn we didn’t expect. Sometimes life is filled with disappointments and discouragements. This is the case for me. I hit a big detour on January 2, and needless to say, 2022 hasn’t started the way I expected. (Details are in this week’s podcast episode.) But because God’s plans are better than mine, I’m not left without hope. And if you’re in a similar space, you’re not left without hope either, friend.

Because God knows what He’s doing.
Even if it doesn’t appear as so in the moment.
I continue to be drawn to this Bible verse. It’s full of hope and encouragement for us all, no matter what we’re walking through.
I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
Jeremiah 29:11 MSG
Those words, “I know what I’m doing.” They encourage my heart despite my current concerns. They fill me with peace amid the chaos. And they steady my steps when I get weary. There’s just something about God reminding me He knows what He’s doing. Oh, I know He does, but sometimes I just need a reminder. Especially when I’m questioning and wondering and maybe even fretting regarding my current circumstances.
You, too?
Do those words help you, too? Because if God knows what He’s doing, then there’s nothing you and I need to worry about. There’s nothing we need to be concerned about. Because truly, God’s got whatever we are going through. He has it all under control.
Is it because we can’t physically see Him working on our behalf that we worry? Do we fret because we question if He’ll come through for us one more time? Is it because our faith is too small that we think our problems are too big? I don’t know. I don’t have the answers. But what I do know is this: we can trust God in each and every one of our circumstances.
What if we pause today and take a look back? Of all the times God was there. He carried us through. He made a way where there was no way. God led us, guided us, equipped us, and strengthened us. He answered our prayers. He fought our battles. And He even gave us rest when we needed it. He healed us, protected us, and provided for us. If He’s done all of this for us (and more) in the past, He certainly isn’t going abandon us now.
No. God is faithful. He’s proven that. He is consistent, reliable, and trustworthy. And He isn’t about to leave us now. No way. God is always with us, no matter what.
Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
Isaiah 41:10 MSG
And because God’s plans are better than ours, we have nothing to fear.
You and I have nothing to fret about. Because He loves us so much, He won’t give us anything than His best. Even if that may different than what we think is best.
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG
Because His plans are better than ours, God uses the trials and tribulations we experience in this life for our good, for our growth, and for His glory. He doesn’t waste one single situation we go through. He uses it all. And even though He doesn’t cause these bad things to happen, He allows them to refine us, to mold us, to mature us. And our faith in Him grows with each one.
Yes, God’s plans are better than ours.
So, stay encouraged today, friend. Keep your eyes fixed on Him. His plans for us are good. God knows what He’s doing.
God bless you, today and every day!
Much love,

My year is actually going better than I thought it was going to. But also there are some concerns I am now facing that God has been silent about. I really dislike His silence LOL LOL. But I know the silence is teaching me trust and patience. God is opening up so many doors yet there a a few He is not opening up yet. Gods plan is always better than mine 🙂
Oh, Teresa, you are absolutely right. God’s plans are always better than ours. We can rest knowing He’s in control. I am praying for you today. Thank you for being here.