Did you know today is the National Day of Encouragement. You likely already know I’m all about encouragement, so friend, this is my day! Well, not really, but it’s a day I don’t want to pass over. So, we’re dedicating today’s episode to it. We’re going to find out why encouragement is necessary and important!

Happy National Day of Encouragement!
Each year on September 12 the National Day of Encouragement is recognized and celebrated. It’s a day dedicated to uplifting others around us and for making a positive impact in this world. So of course, the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast is celebrating this day!
Encouragement gets its own day!
Encourage is defined as: to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence, so encouragement is the act of encouraging.
Encouragement is necessary and important. Not just for the one we encourage, but for ourselves. Why? Because we each crave encouragement. We each need it, really, every day. And encouragement is day- and life-changing. I tell you about a coach from my past whose encouragement and influence completely altered my life. You’ll hear the story about Coach K.
I want to be more like Coach K.
It’s hard to make it a day in this life without encouragement, isn’t it? I mean, somedays are just downright difficult. It’s especially on those days when encouragement is necessary and important, and we could use someone’s words or actions of to inspire us and to spur us on. And sometimes it’s on those days we need to give out that encouragement to encourage ourselves!
I share a small list of ways we can encourage others today and five encouraging Bible verses to inspire us. Plus how encouragement benefits others and ourselves. We also learn about a man in the Bible who was known as the “son of encouragement.”
Encouragement is necessary and important to us all.
Click on the player above to listen to the 14-minute episode.
I also have big news to share. I’ve written a book, and right now it’s in the hands of the designers. Last week I shared the title of the book with my wonderful email community, and word is getting out! So I wanted to share it with you, too. It’s titled, Right Now Matters, and it releases on October 17. I wrote this book to help women like you and me who struggle with living in the moment in this culture of distraction. More details are coming very soon, but you can find out more when you add your email to the Free Resources link in the show notes. I’ll send you the scoop! Plus you’ll have access to all the many resources I’ve created there to encourage your heart.
When you show up, you encourage me. So I thank you. Hang out with me on social media, and let’s encourage one another. Happy Day of Encouragement! God bless you!
Links in this episode:
- National Day of Encouragement
- Definition of encourage
- Isaiah 41:10 NIV
- Philippians 4:6-7 NIV
- Psalm 32:8 NLT
- Romans 15:13 NIV
- Joshua 1:9 NIV
- Acts 11:21-26 NIV

May your new book bless many hearts and lives❤️
Thank you so much, Patty! I appreciate your comment and encouraging words. Have a great day!