In this week’s episode we are peering into the reality that sometimes letting go of something in our lives is for the best, yet it may not be easy. I share a personal story of when I recently let go of something that was a part of my life for many years. If you’ve just let something go, or if you’re contemplating doing so, I pray my experience and this episode. encourages you. I invite you to journey with me in this episode as we find help and hope and a whole lot of encouragement in the process of letting go.

Friend, are you pondering letting go of something in your life?
Do you believe it’s time to step away from a certain activity or habit or circumstance? Are you facing a decision about letting go of something that’s meant much to you for a long time? Or have you already let something go, and you wonder, now what? Does life feel a bit weird or empty without it? Or have you been forced to let something go, like a job or an opportunity? Not to mention letting go of your child as he or she begins preschool, or Kindergarten, or moves into college this year?
Letting-go moments like these can be filled with all sorts of emotions and feels, both good and not so good. If you’re in this place, my friend, you have many walking alongside of you.
I share a few examples of others who are letting go in this season, too. Letting go is likely not an easy thing to do, and it can be difficult. Letting go isn’t for the faint of heart. It will likely take effort. It may grow you and stretch you. And it may turn life a little upside-down for a season.
Remember back in episode 4 when we discussed Living Overwhelmed? In that episode I referenced a story about how I was feeling overwhelmed with my schedule for this fall. (I invite you to listen to it if you haven’t already.)
In this episode I share that story in detail, and it all began as I pondered my schedule this fall.
I felt something had to change… I just wasn’t sure what.
So, I asked God for direction. Was I to let go of something? Was I to forge ahead with all of it? Then I waited. And waited some more.
And wouldn’t you know, in God’s perfect way and in His perfect timing, He revealed to me the answer. It was the best answer, because it was His answer.
It was time to let go. Maybe God is calling you to let something go, too?
Listen in to find out more.
In next week’s episode we will pick up from here as we discuss thriving through seasons of transitions. If you’re in a season of transition, you won’t want to miss this episode. Invite your friend who’s in one to listen, too.
If you are encouraged through this episode, I invite you to rate it and leave a review. And we are discussing letting go in our Encouragement for Real Life Community Facebook group all week long. Come on over to join the most encouraging place on the internet!
Links in this podcast:
- Episode 04, Living Overwhelmed
- Encouragement for Real Life Community Facebook group
Thank you for joining me here today, friend. God bless you.
