Did you know yesterday, the third Monday in January, was a special day? It was. (Well, each of our days are special, right? I mean each day we are given is a gift from God. Absolutely.) But yesterday was one of those weirdly termed, I guess you could call them “holidays,” similar to but different than National Donut Day or National Take Your Child to Work Day. Yesterday, January 17, was termed “the most depressing day of the year,” otherwise known as “Blue Monday.”

So, were you aware that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year? I had no idea this day existed until I heard author and fellow Iowan, Jennifer Dukes Lee, mention it in a Zoom call last Tuesday. In all my years I had never heard of such a day. I thought, seriously? That day exists? Why would we recognize a day like this? The most depressing day of the year doesn’t sound like a great day to me. In fact, I try to avoid at all costs anything depressing or discouraging in my life. So, I chose to ignore yesterday’s gloomy title and did what I could to make it a great day anyway.
So, how did this day, Blue Monday, ever come to be?
Evidently the combination of the post-Christmas blues, the cold, dark nights of winter, and the arrival of unpaid credit card bills makes the third Monday in January the gloomiest day of the year. And I share in this episode how and why someone termed this specific day as Blue Monday or “the most depressing day of the year.” It’s quite interesting and quite surprising, if you ask me.
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This oddly termed special day is based on something meaningless, as scientists have dismissed it altogether. I say if scientists have dismissed this, then we can too.
Because the most depressing day of the year isn’t real.
I guess you could call it “fake news,” because the most depressing day of the year doesn’t exist.
Yet, I wonder how many people felt down or depressed yesterday because they were aware yesterday was termed the most depressing day of the year? Or because they were given a reason to be sad and forlorn since it was Blue Monday?
What’s that saying? “What you think about, you bring about.” (Bob Proctor) Our minds are powerful. If we think it’s going to be a depressing day, it likely will be a depressing day. On the other hand, if we think it’ll be a cheerful day, it will likely be cheerful. Our thoughts determine so much more than I think we realize.
And I share a perfect example of this from last week.
Our thoughts influence our bodies, our emotions, our attitudes, and can directly affect our lives.
Our thoughts matter.
So, when we are told a certain day is “the most depressing day of the year,” how do we react? How do we respond? Do our thoughts take us down the path of sadness and misery on that day? Because someone decided to call the third Monday of January “the most depressing day of the year?” Or do our thoughts decide something different? To keep us on the path of joy and happiness, instead?
We have a choice. Let’s choose wisely.
Listen in for more.
Links in this episode:
- Blue Monday (Wikipedia)
- What You Think About You Bring About quote
- 2 Corinthians 10:5 NCV
- Philippians 4:8 ESV
- Philippians 2:5 WE
- 10 Simple Ways to Remain Joyful This Winter, Episode 23
- Psalm 118:24 NLT
- Encouragement for Real Life Community Facebook group
- Resources link: receive these podcasts in your email inbox and get access to my Free Resources

Our minds are powerful therefore we must be guarding what we allow to enter our minds. And yes, our thinking can get out of hand like it did when you went to the Dr. I love how we have the choice in how we react.
Hi Teresa! They sure are powerful. I appreciate how we have choices in what we think, too. May we always choose wisely! Thank you for stopping in and sharing!