We don’t have to look too far to see all the bad that’s going on in this world. Open the newspaper or your Twitter feed, and you’ll observe enough. Bad is happening everywhere… in places on the other side of the globe, and closer to home, right in our own backyards.
It may seem as if bad is overtaking any sort of good.
Friend, if you’re anything like me, you’re doing your best in this life. You’ve got responsibilities, deadlines, people counting on you, commitments, and important stuff going on.
Your plate is full with taking care of your family, trying to make ends meet, being an honorable employee or employer, keeping a peace-filled home, shuffling schedules, sticking to a budget, hopefully finding a minute or two for yourself, and all the while keeping your eyes on and seeking God’s will for your life.
And while you’re amazingly balancing it all, you’re finding ways to do the good you can.
Am I right?
–Making your child’s favorite after-school treat just to see him smile when we walks in the door.
–Preparing your family’s favorite meal after experiencing a long day yourself. And, making extra to take to the neighbor next door who just lost his wife.
–Sending a card in the mail to someone who could use a pick-me-up.
–Being a listening ear for a co-worker who needs to talk at lunch.
–Volunteering to pick someone up for church or Bible study.
–Donating canned goods to a local food bank.
–Telling your spouse out of the blue just how much he/she means to you.
Yes, friend. You are doing good.
I know, these things may not seem like they are making any sort of impact or difference in this world. After all, how can they with so much bad?
However, nothing could be farther from the truth.
They make a difference to those around you, to your life, and to God, Himself.
God calls us to do the good we can. To fill a need when we see one. To give of ourselves. To be a blessing to others. The Bible is full of such instruction.
God sees it all. When we put our focus on doing good because He asks us to, and He is pleased when we do, the result of the good becomes less important than the act of doing it.
What we do is between us and God. Period.
So, no matter what, do good anyway.
Even if you don’t feel like it. Even when it’s not easy. Even when everyone else is telling you not to. Even when the good isn’t reciprocated.
Keep doing the good you’re doing. Today, tomorrow, all this week. The rest of our time on this earth.
Your harvest will be great! God bless!
Linking with The Weekend Brew and Counting My Blessings.
Hi Julie, Thanks for linking this wonderful post at CMB. Do good anyway. Love! The always blesses the giver as much or more that the one who receives. Blessings to you!
Amen, Deb! I agree… the giver is sometimes more blessed than the receiver. Thanks for hosting the link again. It’s always a gift to be a part of what’s going on at your place!
Hi there! I’m stopping over from Barbie’s Weekend Brew. I’m truly very glad I did. Loved this post. Your words – “the result of the good becomes less important than the act of doing it.” especially spoke to my heart.
Hi Debbie! I’m glad you stopped over too! It’s nice to meet you. I’ll head over to your place soon. Thank you for your words of encouragement! Have a blessed week!
Such a perfect reminder of the good that I do every day, and how God desires to use it for His glory and blessing to others.
It’s all for His glory, isn’t it?! Great reminder of that, Barbie! Have a blessed week, my friend!