Spring Ahead

by | Mar 8, 2009 | family, spring

I love the season of Spring! My calendar says it doesn’t officially begin until the 20th of this month, but I’m certainly ready for it!

Last evening before retiring to bed, we remembered to change the clocks ahead for the beginning of Daylight

Savings Time…at least we remembered to change MOST of the clocks. I forgot to change one very important clock…the clock on the coffee maker! I couldn’t figure out why when I woke up a little after 5am that I couldn’t smell my coffee brewing! Oh, how I was ready for a cup of coffee! I turned it on manually, waited the few minutes it took to brew and was thankful for that first cup this morning!

I enjoy getting up early. I spend that time reading my Bible, checking email, maybe even doing a little work. As I was down in my office for a couple of hours, I began to get very tired. I decided to go back to bed for a half-hour until 8am, then I would get in the shower to get ready for church. After laying down, the next thing I knew it was 9:45! That’s the time we leave for church! UGH! I am just a little irritated that I fell back asleep for that long and that our family is going to miss church today. I’m hopeful we can do something as a family in a form of a devotional or something now instead. I’ll blame me oversleeping on that hour of sleep that I lost last night! 🙂 I guess I need to get more sleep…that is probably the problem!

I hope “Springing Ahead” for you has had a positive start! I look forward to it being daylight later in the day today! It reminds me that spring is on it’s way! I even saw my first robin of the season yesterday! How encouraging!

Have a great Sunday!

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1 Comment

  1. Stacie

    I’m sure it had nothing to do with my family being there way too late!


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